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[Help]Bizarre FX Texture Issue


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I use Relighting Skyrim (USLEEP), Vivid Weathers and ELE Lite for lighting and weather. I have used those mods for a long time never had any issues. Today i noticed this by whiterun from the Braziers. I think its a missing texture issue because i might have copy pasted some meshes from SMIM manually but i can't figure out which. Please help me fix it.

Here are the screens : http://imgur.com/gallery/XP8JM

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JawZ, do you think it could be something else installed that is conflicting with your mod? You'd know better than me. I'm no expert. I just know when I had a similar issue with ELFX, that moving it lower helped the issue. It was likely, in my case, screwing with some sort of light brought on by other mods doing the same. Not sure.

Edited by snelss0
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