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Summerset Isles crashes everytime


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Hi everyone

so i recently completed the main story and wanted to play the summerset isles mod

i installed it using nexus mod manages and it is very frustrating

the game crashes everytime i find something new

like open a new chest or a new monster or discover a new location

Would be glad if someone could help me out

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If it seems random, it could be a conflict with the mod itself and another mod, or it could be a skeleton issue. Make sure if you are using XPMSE, that it is at the bottom of your load order. If you aren't, get it. Some mods use XPMSE as a base for their mod and don't list it in the required files. Make sure you get Ragdolls and force too.

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Are you testing this on a new game? Skyrim bakes scripts into your game, and if you move/alter/delete mods, it can cause CTDs and not reflect the changes you've made. If all else fails, perhaps post your load order here for us. LOOT has an option to copy it in the settings. Also if worst comes to worse, perhaps something is corrupt and just a reinstall would work. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/906390-cleaning-skyrim-for-fresh-install/

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