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Fake Rain


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Hi, I have a pretty annoying problem with the rain in skyrim. Let me explain: the rain seems to be flimsy, fake, enclose to the message a screen.

and this is under shelter, the rain looks normal but the sky no


I noticed that the problem lies in the weather condition number 1006793531, with other rainy conditions, there are no problems.
I use among many mod regarding weather conditions RealShelter with the RSRain (I have this problem even before I installed RSRain), ELFX- Weathers, True Storm, mintylightningmod and Wonder of weather.
Previously I was using Climate of Tamriel with ELFX-Weathers worked well enough, only a few times when it rained was generated this bug again. Using only Climate of Tamriel the bug would not show up for this I believe is due to ELFX-Weathers mod.
Can someone help me?

sorry for my bad English

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