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How To: Create spell that levels with skill (destuc; illu, etc...) via perk entry point


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I am sure this is a well documented topic, but for the life of me, I cant seem to find what I am looking for. A point to a simple tutorial would be a widely appreciated, while direct instruction would be even better.

As stated in the topic, I am trying to use a perk to scale my spells with accumulated skill points.

As of date I'm trying to mimic "Valdr's Lucky Dagger" method, but to no avail. Which appears to have only 3 working components, and no papyrus scripts. (scripts are to be avoided) The dagger (dunMossMotherValdrDagger), the perk (dunMossMotherPerk), and a keyword (dunMossMotherDaggerKeyword). Both the dagger and the perk share the same keyword, and the perk is set to: entry point, as opposed to quest or ability. That's pretty much it, other than entry point; modification (Calculate My Critical Chance), and function (Set Value).

My spin on this theme is: KYWD > PERK (with correlating keyword) > MGEF (with correlating keyword) > SPEL > BOOK (utilizing console commands to place the book in game). easy peazy right?

If only...

My MGEF. Categorized under the ALT skill, however it does do damage. (I choose ATL skill because I wanted to be sure that my perk was doing its job, and not some preexisting ingame perk that scales damage) The SPEL is set to use the MGEF at a magnitude of 5 with a duration of 1 (nothing to glamorous).

My PERK. "Target; Condition": set to subject, the "Function Name; Condition": set to keyword w/ the correlating KYWD, the "Comparison; Condition": is set to ==, and the "Value; Condition": set to 1.00. All inline with "Valdr's Lucky Dagger", with the exception of the Spell tab replacing Weapon tab.

The PERK entry point modification and function, is where I believe I am at a loss. So far I've tried pairing the following modi/func(s),

1) [Mod = Mod Spell Magnitude] [Func = Multiply 1 + Actor Value Multi] [Actor Value = Alteration] [Value = 0.50]

2) [Mod = Mod Spell Magnitude] [Func = Multiply 1 + Actor Value Multi] [Actor Value = AlterationMod] [Value = 0.50]

3) [Mod = Mod Spell Magnitude] [Func = Multiply 1 + Actor Value Multi] [Actor Value = AlterationPowerMod] [Value = 0.50]

4) [Mod = Mod Spell Magnitude] [Func = Multiply Actor Value Multi] [Actor Value = Alteration] [Value = 0.50]

5) [Mod = Mod Spell Magnitude] [Func = Multiply Actor Value Multi] [Actor Value = AlterationMod] [Value = 0.50]

6) [Mod = Mod Spell Magnitude] [Func = Multiply Actor Value Multi] [Actor Value = AlterationPowerMod] [Value = 0.50]

7) [Mod = Mod Spell Magnitude] [Func = Multiply Value] [Value = 0.50]

with none yielding the desired results...

*When testing the Peak/Spell the Player has alteration skill of 100, so in theory the spell should hit for 7.5 (opt 7) or 55 = 5 + (100 x .5). If I'm not mistaken*

Also I am concerned that my Player does not know my PERK. However, upon receiving "Valdr's Lucky Dagger" no perk is learned either. Yet when I scale "dunMossMotherPerk" to crit 100% of the time all goes as planned.

Someone please tell me whats going on.

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Eureka! Well Sorta, the custom PERK needs to be learned... (who knew/lol) After right clicking "dunMossMothersPerks" and selecting "Use Info", I discovered that in fact there is a forth component to the "Valdr's Lucky Dagger" chain. Editor ID identifies this as "Player". Doubled click this and navigated to the SpellList Tab to find all the perks each player begins with. Among them is "dunMossMotherPerk". So after enlisting my PERK into the alteration tree, and talenting into it, all is right with the world. (hurray)


I was hoping to avoid having to put said perk into a skill tree, as there will be more to come and I don't want to clutter the skill screen. I'd like to know if there is away to learn a perk via book perhaps, and the perk remain hidden or better yet under "Active Effects".

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