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Conveyor Belt Speed Variety


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Straightforward request. It'd be neat if we could vary the speed of the conveyor belts via the terminals. My recommended settings:


x .5, x2, x3, x4 and x5.


Granted, x4 and x5 would likely not work for the average item.... BUT it might help with declogging an easily cloggable body-conveyor corner or the likes. Point is, as unlikely at that speed as it is, some people may find use so why not put it in.


Suggested 'optimization': Not every section of a conveyor-belt system will likely want to be unilaterally altered by everyone, as such, I recommend the following means of refining in-game...


1: 4 new conveyor belt parts, all the same just using the small, big, small tall and big tall conveyor straight pieces. The way they act is they will receive and act with the speed of the conveyor before it, but not transmit it. IE: Every conveyor before it can go at x5, but any conveyor after it is x1. The varied sizes allow a stopping point that can fit most situations.


2: The same as above, except machines do this. The default machines, or any machine, (Please Manufacturing Extended compatible patch if this one.) will not transmit the adjusted speed but will connect to conveyors that are.


4: Powered Straight Conveyors are the only transmitter of adjusted conveyor speeds, and only do so up to the next powered straight conveyor, machine, and only up to x# of conveyors attached, which perhaps may be adjustable via terminal as well. I.E.: This conveyor transmits 5 conveyors away at x2 speed, and this other one transmits 3 conveyors away at x5. Theoretically they could attach right next to ech other.


Preferable but obviously not necessary to add a Short Powered Conveyor if modelable without too much headache to better help fit any situation.


5: Terminals can adjust sections between powered machines only instead. Not great but if it's the only possible way.. I'unno what the limitations are.


Hope this is possible.

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