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Custom bow meshes


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Trying to bring new mesh for bow into the skyrim, after observing the ironbow.nif it has NiSkinInstance so figure need to rework my custom bow with weight in blender. imported ironbow.nif for reference, and basicly just bone weight it into my custom bow mesh, export it and in nifskope just do some copy paste for particular part from vanilla ironbow.nif and converting into bsfadenode/niskininstance and so on, fail with bhkCollisionObject tho, coz i really dont know how to make that...anyway here's what i got in game..




epic fail, well atleast it doesnt gave me CTD tho, hoping someone can give better explanation for how to rig bow mesh properly and finalizing it in nifskope, this newbie really need help....a lot


if anyone want to check out the file here you go..

guess theres many that i tweaked wrong, and please pardon the mesh work, made in couple hours, it also using ironbow texture coz my main purpose here is simply want to know how to bring new bow mesh into skyrim.


thanks in advance

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Bows are rather complicated if you haven't worked with weights before. I'm not at all familiar with blender but is there a way to do anything like 3ds max's skin wrap modifier? It basically takes the weights from a mesh of your selection and applies them to your mesh. You may want to look for one and if there isn't then I'm sorry this isn't much help.


Judging from your screenshot though your weights aren't right. If they are right and they work in blender then you need to fix your nif file. Here are my steps to get a working .nif file for a bow


1.Export the bow as a nif with the bone files, make sure it has the skin modifier on it.

2.Open up the exported nif file in nifskope and find your bow. Click the arrow to expand the parameters so you see nitridata, skin instance data, etc.

3. Click on the skin instance data and then remove the root skeleton.

4. Copy your bow over to a vanilla bow nif. (Take the block that contains the tri data and such)

5. Assign shaders, set the children in the fade node. Basically set up just like a normal weapon from here with the exception that you have to go back into the instance data and add the fade node as it's root skeleton.


There is a really quick tutorial on skinned bow meshes in nifskope. I kind of suck at writing out tutorials though >.<

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exactly because there is a niskininstance, so i modified vanilla ironbow.nif to get it work with blender with deleting BSBehaviorGraphExtraData, BSInvMarker, and the bow BSLightingShaderProperty, it gave me an phyton error tho after i import it, but blender still manage to bring the bow mesh with its weight and bones so i try to bone weight my custom bow as close as ironbow has, guess finalizing in nifskope is the trouble, i'll try again with your suggestion :wink: .


well i can made the bow look static/without drawing arrow animation tho, but somehow it kinda ridiculous o_O

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