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block with dual wielding weapons! and another


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Would it be hard to mimic the animations of the single handed weapon block and mirrior it to the left hand to make blocking with dual wielding weapons available? This seems like an easy one, but I am no coder. This would seriously enhance dual wielding combat with multiple people, and allowing it to be affected by non shiled blocking perks would be awesome! Not to mentoin it leaves a whole nother area available for custom spells and abilities, like extra block or elemental block properties could be enchanted onto weapons. Anyone think this would be a bad idea?


Also, it would be nice if oblivion binding acted like soul tap spells do. Instead OB will trap souls into random soul gems, while sou tap puts them in their respective soul gem, unless they are out, then ST puts it in the next higher quality soul gem. This would actually make bound weapons a little more fun and worth the extra perk point. Other wise oblivion binding is pretty much useless if not a hassle.


Thanks for checkin out these ideas. I hope someone picks them up. Also, any recomendations are welcome.

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