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Jenassa won't talk anymore/unhireable


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So, I've dismissed Jenassa from my services once indirectly (by hiring Lydia, and her leaving automagically), and now she won't talk to me anymore. She still goes on about meeting me being a good thing and stuff, but trying to talk to her will only result in her spewing out another random line, just like City Guards. No Dialogue menu pops up.

When having another follower with me, holding the Use button will result in Jenassa activating the Advanced Controls interface.


I'd make some quip about her pouting about choosing Lydia over her, but I'm kinda annoyed about the whole thing. I want my murderous Dark Elf back :/


Can somebody enlighten me?

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Try using the console command "Set playerfollowercount to 0", see if that works.

Sadly didn't help. She seems to be stuck in a bugged follower mode, since I can still command her around when holding down the Interact button on her for a moment. But afterwards, she just goes back to sitting on the chair in the Drunken Huntsman.

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