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companion help


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Alright. I'll assume you have basic knowledge of quests and scripts if you're making a companion mod. First off, the basic horse-ish stuff. Create a new horse creature form (Respawning off, Low Level Processing unchecked) so you can put in in PlayerFaction and make it essential and such. Make sure it's un-scripted and not in PCHorse faction. Place it in-game, probably beside the companion. Set it to initially disabled, and give it a unique editor ID. Then double click on your companion's reference, select the "Travel Horse" tab, and select his mount one way or the other.


Summoning it:

Assuming your companion has a script on him, (A quest/quest script will work as well, but not as quickly) place something like this in the GameMode block.


if (HorseRef.GetDisabled && player.IsRidingHorse)
  HorseRef.MoveTo CompanionRef
  set CompanionQuest.HorseEnabled to 1
;CompanionRef.evp if you're doing this in a quest script
elseif (player.IsRidingHorse == 0 && HorseRef.GetDisabled == 0)
  set CompanionQuest.HorseEnabled to 0



Add "GetQuestVariable CompanionQuest.HorseEnabled == 0" or somesuch to all your companion's AI packages that he would have a mounted alternative for. Duplicate them, check "Use Horse" in the new ones, and change the Quest Variable condition to check if it's not equal to zero. Give the horse a basic "Follow CompanionRef" package.


At least, I think that should do it...

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