Deleted2838758User Posted January 20, 2012 Share Posted January 20, 2012 (edited) <i>Hel</i>lo,<br>After playing Skyrim, I noticed magic was too weak at high levels and I remembered Supreme Magicka from Oblivion. It was an awesome magic overhaul and completlychanged my gameplay. I'm not a modder, but I'm just here to post ideas for a Skyrim's magic overhaul.<br><br><b>New elements :</b><br>Skyrim only have three elements , yet it could use a lot more offensive spells, this would include Holy, Wind, Death and Earth.<br>Death will be a new powerful damaging elemental, like Fire, but will be totally useless against Undeads. It's special bonus could consist of healing you for 15% of the damage dealt. <br>Holy will be a medium-damaging element but could be potentially uber powerful against undeads and other evil creatures, dealing more damage to them. Will be a good way to roleplay a paladin or priest<br>Wind special bonus will consist of slowly reducing the enemy's armor as you hit them with Wind spells, making it good choice for Warrior-Mage hybrids<br>Earth will be unique in the fact that it won't deal magical damage but instead physical damage, making it a good combo with Wind.<br><br><b>Other Offensives options :</b><br>It would be cool to add some new damaging spells other than destruction or conjuration, for exemple Light Spells could inflicts minor damage to vampires around you, Healing spells cast on undeads could damage them.<br>Alteration could get a way to protect the caster with a spiked shield that inflicts damage to anyone who attacks you.<br><br><br><b>More Bound Weapons :</b><br>I love maces, and I wanted to specialize my character in both Bound Weapons and Maces (one-handed and conjuration), yet, I found a problem : there is no bound maces !!!!<br>So it will be nice to have :<br>Bound Mace (1h)<br>Bound Hammer (2)<div>Bound Dagger<br><div>Bound Axe (1h)<br>Bound Claymore (2h)<br><br><b>Enchant Weapons in Fight :</b><br>I'm a battlemage, and I would love being able to enchant my weapons in the heat of the battle. The enchantment will be based on both destruction and enchanting skills. The better your enchanting skill is, the more damage you will do with the enchantment, but the better your destruction, the less mana it will cost. Using this way of enchanting lasts only 35 seconds, consume mana, but doesn't require charges. It will be nice if it also allows Bound Weapons to be enchanted<br>Could be like Conduit Magic, an Oblivion mod.<br><br><br><b>Longer Spells Duration : </b><br>These shields or light spells that only last 40 seconds. Annoying isn't it ?<br>Any good magic overhaul should alteast make bound weapons, shields, summons and other self or compagnions-buffs lasts x6 longers.<br><br><br><b>Conjuration : </b><br>Allows us to be able to have 1 summons at the beginning, +1 at level 25 conjuration, +1 at 50 and +1 at 100 while making some too powerful summons like the Dremora Lord less powerfuls or consume 4 summon slots, because seriously,right now, twin souls with dremora lord is uber powerful !<br>Rework Twin Sould and changes it to something like +20% damage to your summons so they don't just because meat shields at high levels.<br>If possible, makes also summons scales with your own level, so your flame atronach can be still useful if you are level 70.<br><br><b>Better Damage :</b><br>Destruction gets weak after level 35 because it simply doesn't scale. The only way destruction is good is because of impact, dual wield spell and stagger them to death !<br>I suggest some things to change this.<br>The Novice, Apprenticen, Journeyman, Expert and Master perks should increases damage by 20% each.<br>Impact perks should only have 15% to happens.<br>The finisher of Ice, Fire and Lighting should be changed<br>Ice : Each spell have 10% chance to freeze the target (2% for Frostbite)<br>Fire : Each spell have 10% chance to further ingnite the target, dealing more damage<br>Lightning : Each spell have 10% chance to damage more magicka<br>Also adds finishers for the new elements<br>Wind : Each spell have 10% chance to pushback the enemy (2% for the Flames-version of Wind)<br>Death : Each spell inflicts 25% more damage against targets with less than 50% HP<br>Holy : Each spell have 10% chance to make undead flee (2% for Flames-version of Holy)<br>Earth : Each spell have 10% chance to disarm the opponent. <br><br><br><b>Better Dual Casting :</b><br>Makes dual casting deal x2.8 damage while only costing x2.2 mana.<br><br><b>Scaled destruction spells and new spells :</b><br>It would be nice to have Flames, Frostbite or Sparks for a Master mage but they are only novice spell which is kinda annoying. Also, some flames cloacks or Firebolt for novice will be cool too. In other words, make spells like runes. Flames, cloack, fireball etc for each rank of destruction.<br><br>We could use new spells for the game, too<br>Like :<br><u>Restoration :</u><br>Fortify Destruction (Spells deals X% more damage for X seconds)<br>Fortify Alteration ( Spells last X% longer for X seconds)<br>Fortify Illusion (Spells works against higher level opponent for X seconds)<br>Fortify Restoration (Spells heals more for X seconds)<br>Fortify Enchantment (Self-made enchantments are stronger for X seconds)<br>Fortify Conjuration (Summons deals more damage for X seconds)<br>Fortify One-hande or Two-handed or Marksmanship (Thes types of weapon deals more damage for X seconds)<br>Fortify Light Armor or Heavy Armor (Heavy/Light Armor protects more for X seconds)<br>Fortify Sneak, Pickpocket, Lockpicking, Block etc etc..<br>Reflecting Shield (Like Ward) : Consumes lots of mana but all spells are reflected to your enemy.<br>Holy Nova : Damages nearby undeads and heal nearby allies</div><div><u>Alteration :</u><br>Iron Skin (Channeled) : Absorbs all incoming damage while consumes a medium amount of mana,after the channeling ends, you damage nearby enemies for 10% of the damage absorbed<br>Spiked Shell : For X seconds, any enemy attacking you at melee will take damage</div><div>Minor haste : Increases attack speed by 10%.</div><div>Haste : Increases attack speed by 20%.</div><div>Hasten Other : Increases target's attack speed by 20%.</div><div>Greater Haste : Increases attack speed and cast speed by 35%.</div><div>Illuminate : Target is surrounded by light for X seconds. Vampires takes damage.</div><div>Sunlight (channeled) : Surround you with light, consuming a bit of mana. Damages nearby vampires<u><br></u></div><div><br>What do you think and what ideas do you have to further improves Skyrim's magic system ? </div></div> Edited January 22, 2012 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted2838758User Posted January 22, 2012 Author Share Posted January 22, 2012 Bump for feedbacks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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