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Noob question about skyboost


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Skyboost is not really a mod. So it cannot be installed by a Mod Manager (yet) It is a utility program and installs entirely differently than a mod. Please read the instructions Before trying to install it.


The instructions are included in the download - basically you must copy 2 files to your game folder and that's it. There is no need for a video or formal tutorial or even a step by step


That said here is your step by step - right from the included documentation.

1. Download Skyboost_r3.zip

2. Open Skyboost_r3.zip with your unzipping program (no need to unzip)

3. Drag (or copy) dinput8.dll and Skyboost.asi directly from the unzip page into your Skyrim folder


Note, If you already have Script Dragon, you don't need to copy dinput8.dll as it will already be there.


That's it

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