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I had an idea for a mod but i have no programming or scripting experience so if anyone else wants to try that would be cool.


JRPG mode will basically be skyrim played like a jrpg e.g final fantasy.

Additional stats such as strength dexterity etc being added per level would be great..

All skills spells and attack types will be displayed in a battle menu when engaging with monsters which custom scripts will change the attacks to turn based automatic: run to the enemy, attack, step back. With a custom 3rd person angle to get all the players into the screen.

2 additional players should be added as permenant companions that you can fully customise so you can have a party of 3 in the battles.

Health numbers should show up on attacks, game stat balance would need to change to resemble a jrpg.

Stamina should influence turn cycle and give extra slashes with weapons every 100 or so, daggers and lighter weapons to start with multi attacks.

magicka regeneration should be completely removed apart from on gear for battle balance issues.

equipment should be changable in battle as well as item use should all be available in a jrpg format.

it could take a lot of work, but would be awesome.

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Uhhh....it would change the entire dynamic of the game. Especially where it would concern dragons. And the script editing likely still leaves something to be desired without the CK. Ultimately, it sounds like a downgrade to simplicity. Which is fine, but I've got to side with maniczombie with this. It doesn't seem like there's any practical way of doing it. It's not just a scripting overhaul. It an animations overhaul.
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So, turn based combat, rather than real-time? I have to agree, that sounds like a metric boat load of effort. Undoable? No... and, possibly, a worthy project. But as has been suggested, it'd probably be easier just to start from scratch rather than retrofit an already established system.
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