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trouble importing skyrim nifs


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you need to change the version number under NiHeader user version: 12 -> 11 user version2: 83 ->34

also, delete the BSLightShaderProperties


This should import into blender with an error .. somethign like value num error 32 (this only means that the dismemberment partions didnt recognize the skyrim value of 32, if you want to change that to BP_TORSO it shouldnt give an error anymore)


Tutorial for additional help

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you need to change the version number under NiHeader user version: 12 -> 11 user version2: 83 ->34

also, delete the BSLightShaderProperties


This should import into blender with an error .. somethign like value num error 32 (this only means that the dismemberment partions didnt recognize the skyrim value of 32, if you want to change that to BP_TORSO it shouldnt give an error anymore)


Tutorial for additional help


i did everything in the tutorial and it gave me the same error message, but that it isnt recognizing other BS block types. This time BSinvmarker. I'm trying to import an Iron Bow, if that helps.

Edited by zerther
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Same problem here, trying to import mageapprenticerobesf_0 into blender 2.49b, getting an error when it hits BSInvMarker.

Then if I delete the marker it imports with some different errors, but there's no detail on the mesh. Now I don't know if that's normal or not cuz on the wikitutuorial picture, there is a lot more definition in the model.

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  • 2 months later...

Fixed it. Just delete everything until you have what you need haha. Just make sure you do header file users to 12-11 and 83-32.


Just mess with it. Almost every mesh you use will be different. Arrows and swords work differently just like armor. you need to delete certian things haha

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