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[LE] Issue with Magic Effect/Script

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The magic effect displayed below (combined with its script, also displayed) is intended to remove the target NPC from the world and replace it with a friendly, "follower" version. (pardon any syntax/efficiency errors, I haven't had much time to work on the script -- it doesn't even get as far as the script).


For whatever reason, with all conditions met, the script is never used. I'm hoping that I simply missed a condition or something that someone else will see, but I'm honestly not sure.


The effect is being applied via a lesser power.





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How are you delivering this magic effect? Delivery Target Actor?


Also you include your script in a image? How is someone supposed to fix it for you from that? Include your script in the code window as text.


And for your debug you use a message box?


What you need to do is find a magic effect that is delivered to the target in the same way you want to, duplicate it and start from there.

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