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Making Staff that casts spell on self, animation help


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Hello everyone,

I'm trying to add some more staves to my game, such as alteration staves that cast flesh spells on self, or restoration staves that heal self or cast wards, etc. As you probably know, the normal staff casting animation needs the magic effect targeting to be set to "aim." Otherwise, the spell is cast with the hand and the staff can make some wonky movements. It actually looks pretty great when you make a staff cast a ward (the player holds the staff horizontally in front of them) but it can get wonky if using flesh spells or self-healing spells.

My question is this: is there a way to make a staff use the normal staff casting animation when using a staff enchantment that casts a spell on self? Or to make a magic effect that targets self use the "aim" animation so that it animates properly with a staff?


Edited by duxorw
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