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Leveled Items should follow along with the player


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You get Dragonbane at level 45 and that's it. Even if you then level up to 46 (where the best version of Dragonbane is available), you can't get it, because you wasted your chance. If I'm not mistaken, the level for the item is set the first time you encounter it, then, you can't get a stronger version of that item unless you use cheats. My idea here is, regardless of when you get the leveled item, it shall level up along with you, on its own pace.

Example: The Dragonbane has a base damage of 10 if you encounter it between level 1-18, with this mod, if you get it while you are between those levels and then reach level 19, Dragonbane shall go up one stop, where it has 11 base damage (where you would be able to get it if you were between level 19-26), and the moment you reach level 27, Dragonbane shall evolve further, to its next "step", and so on.

I haven't stumbled upon such a mod and since I am not a modder, I thought I would share it here for anyone who is willing to do it.

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Pretty sure it used refID's to upgrade, so stat changing mods should still work. It's a more realistic way to upgrade than self-improving weapons (something I would not be a fan of), just requires the item in question, material, and you being the correct level. Option to remove the material requirement or add soul gems to the requirements as well.

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