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Mod organizer save/load issue


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Okay, so I have being playing heavily modded Skyrim for a while now and have been plgued with this issue/s.


First is of course the CTD's. Is there any way to help stop tham or at least reduce their frequency?


The second issue is the save / load issue. Until recently there has been no issues at all with my ability to save a game and then reload it, even after a CTD. However, now for some unknown reason it lets me start a game, paly and save but when i try to load it again, it just pauses momentarily on the main screen and nothing else happens. The only things i have tweaked or altered in the last few days are: using profiles for different characters, a couple of new mods and that is it. I'll list my mod selection if anyone thinks it's relevant but like i said before this is a new problem and 95% of the mods i was using have not changed.


Thank you for your help!

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