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Werewolves AND Lycans


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I was really thrilled when I learned there would be werewolves in Skyrim. However, I was a little let down that there were only the Companions, and two others that were werewolves in the entire game.


Borrowing heavily from the Underworld series, I was wondering if any modder would be interested? Have two forms of werewolves. Have there be wild "forever" werewolves out in the wilderness. Possibly even a werewolves den somewhere south. These werewolves would just be beasts. The head would look more like the vanilla werewolf in the game but with more hair on the body. These would be the main type you would encounter and fight.


Then have a lycan form for those that can change at will. All of the companions would be lycans, as well as Astrid's husband and the prisoner (his name slipped my mind). The lycans would have a shorter snout and less hair... actually closer to the body on the vanilla werewolf minus the tail. The "lycan form" would be the result of a human being bit by a werewolf.


There was another thread that had a similar idea here: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/522199-lycan-mod-for-werevolf/page__p__4255446__hl__lycan__fromsearch__1#entry4255446


Thanks for taking the time to read! Hope someone picks this up once the CK comes out!

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