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'Cambragols' Dwemer Hold


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As per Moderator Sir bben46 approval, I am recreating the old post into this new post, the old one be closed. Thank you Sir Moderator.


Cambragols Hold/Cambragols Dwemer Clan

(Permission received to use Sir Cambragols forum name)


Introduction: The Mod:


A race that speaks to everyone’s imagination…

Countless times I have seen requests, for a playable Dwemer Race, (new) Dwemer Armors, (new) Dwemer Weaponry, you name it.

Sadly, some requests, as with any game, were too insane to even think about, if we consider the Morrowind Lore as guidance.

Some asked for stuff like Dwemer Guns, Dwemer Rifles, these could be done, but then some asked for things like a Dwemer “Dragon” vehicle, I mean…

And so, I was hoping to please a heap of folks, while making SURE, I would not interfere with current and future Lore of Morrowind, while staying 150% true to the Morrowind Lore.

This Mod will be released (at least, I think so, at the moment, it might be released in a totally different way, depending on how things will work out) in three major parts:

1) The Dungeon; an empty, yet explorable Dwemer Dungeon.

2) The Inhabitants and their equipment as well as a fully new HIGH QUALITY ‘treasury’.

3) Main and Secondary/Tertiary Quest Line, and Side Quests.

The first 2 are pretty much self-explanatory, the third I will explain a bit further on:

The Main Quest is basically the Main Quest Line from the game itself, just with a slightly different beginning.

I do NOT intend to make something absolutely new, just an expansion to an already great game.

As non-Dwemer, you will be able to either befriend the Dwemer, or to become their mortal enemy (For those that like the last option make sure you have an army alongside, trust me. Also, be ready to sacrifice your men, if you want to survive. Traps will be beyond lethal, no matter your level/equipment. Trust me: I will make any enemy’s adventure an adventure he/she will NEVER EVER forget… *grins maliciously*).

The Secondary/Tertiary Quest Lines are within the Dwemer Stronghold, where the secondary can ONLY be played as Dwemer and the Tertiary as non-Dwemer Adventurer as well as Dwemer Adventurer.

The three are ABSOLUTELY independent of one another.

Logically, so are, as with all other games in existing, the side quests.


Introduction: the Game:


As per www.uesp.net/wiki/lore/Dwemer: “The Dwemer (/dwe?.m?/ DWAY-mer or /dwi?.m?/ DWEE-mer) were a fabled lost race of Mer hailing from Dwemereth, the region that is now Morrowind. Their ruins and artifacts are scattered across Tamriel, specifically within Hammerfell (mainly in the mountains of Stros M'Kai), High Rock, Skyrim and Morrowind. Meric races use the term "Dwemer," which translates to "deep," "deep-counseled," or "secretive" people.[1] They are alternatively known as Dwarves, a term used by Imperials and possibly created by the giants, the Ehlnofey of the Velothi Mountains. They formed free-thinking, yet reclusive Dwarven clans devoted to the secrets of science, engineering, and the arcane.”

Many have encountered several Dwemer Artifacts, ranging from simple things such as cutlery, to complete lost strongholds, the one even more baffling than the other, and the more we learn of them, the more questions that pops up.

There’s no Adventurer, who does not hope to find Dwemer related things, for various reasons, some to gain fame, others for gaining fortune, some to gain knowledge, others again for even more specific reasons, such as gaining power.

Approximately 170 years before the ‘Great Vanishing’, now 200 years ago, a certain Clan, called Cambragol, decided to split up from their Dwemer fellows, and to go a separate way.

With the help of technology, a few Mages, and a heap of Elementals, they dug out a small City, big enough to harbor them all, and then more, and ended the construction by adding a layer of special Mithril, that was made especially to prevent detection through Magical ways, even the Gods could not see them anymore.

And just this, proved later on, to be most helpful…

After 20 years of constructing the City, the Dwemer clan vanished from all books, well, not quite as they were deleted from the books, but after they went to their new home, no further records were made.

Once they were fully settled in, they began to do what they were best in: inventing.

Oh, and what they invented…

330 years later, give or take a few years, maybe even a decade, you came along.

And this is where the tale begins…

The Dwemer Hold: an explanation:

This Hold is an adaptation of Sir Cambragols Vault 24, created for Fallout: New Vegas, and who has given me the authority to use this masterpiece as base for this mod.

Not only am I totally grateful for his gift, but more, most of the credits belong to this man.

The Vault was a 1000 people vault, as a vault SHOULD be under the circumstances of FONV.

Naturally, that Vault would not fit the Morrowind Universe, so we began a total revision, ‘Morrowindifying’ the Vault into this Dwemer Hold.

The reason to use this specific vault, is, despites many's ideology/feelings/others, this dungeon does lend itself well to a technological/industrial based Race, incorporating just this: Technology/Industrialism.

Musically, I hope to get the approval of Jean Michel Jarre, Vangelis/Kraftwerk/Apoptygma Berzek/other more Industrial-Ambient composers to use a tune of theirs, adapted (slowed down from 45RPM to 33RPM) to enhance just this Techno-Industrial feeling.


List of Contributors: (Ongoing Process, prone to update)

Prime Contributor/Creator: Sir Cambragol (Full Layout of the Vault, God-modder of Vault24)


Think Tank/Lore Library:

• Sir James Barker aka Ixflashpointxi (Think Tank, early stage) (Status: Resigned?)

• Sir Hulahuga (Think Tank, early stage) (Status: Unsure)

• Sir Juuso aka McCrab (Think Tank, early stage) (Status: Active)

Meshes and Textures (Hold):

Meshes and Textures (Armor):

Meshes and Textures (Weaponry):

Meshes and Textures (Traps)

Scripting (Main Quest Line):

Scripting (Secondary Quest Line):

Scripting (Tertiary Quest Line):

Scripting (Traps):

Art Creation (Traps):

Art Creation (Magics):

Art Creation (General):



I do not take ANY!!! credit. This mod is created solely for the purpose of enjoying you, the player. Each and all parts, upon delivery, are now to prone to Bethesda’s Copyright. If you like to use any of this, I do not give you my permission, simply because I do not own ANY of it. Take it up with Bethesda…

DISCLAIMER: This mod is not intended to break the immersion/Lore of Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim or any other game. This mod is created within the Lore of Morrowind, with, in mind keeping, one Dwemer DID survive, and was found by the player, in Morrowind: the Dwemer Yagrum. This mod suggests that if ONE could escape the sad fate of the others, then more might have found a way. This mod is also not meant to break the past, present or future lore regarding the Dwemer, and is, and nothing more, the stand-alone vision of one man, bringing in a race to play, to give fun to the players, and hopefully countless hours of gameplay.



Dwemer Vault Mod: Texturing Ideas:

I will write down the ideas I have for things like furniture, dressing (wall carpets, paintings …)...

Feel free to share or comment the thoughts given.


We will use a Bright-Yellow/White (Since the walls are a Brass-Mithril Alloy, Mithril being silvery and very shiny).

The Base of the walls will be in a low-poly “plate” which we will decorate with overlaying textures (if this can be done) simply for the fact that, if we ‘over-qualitify’ the project, it will become rather choppy, I fear.

Ditto for doors, elevator-parts (besides the console), staircase stuff.


-Plain: Brass based chairs, simple, undecorated version.

-Upper Class: Brass, decorated version, not too simple nor too elaborately decorated.

-Elite Class: Brass-Mithril inlayed, highly decorated version.

Table: a bluestone top on brass legs for Plain, a marble highly polished tabletop for Upper, and for Elite Class we’ll take a dark (black-green? Black-red?) marble with Mithril inlay.

Closets: look above (chairs) with stone tops (as per table).

Sinks: ditto, bath tubs: ditto, …

Basic Dressing:

Before anything else: I am a sucker for female beauty, style of Pieter Paul Rubens the Great

Now, What I mean is the quality, the colors, the perfection, I’d like the art represented in the Dwemer Hold to be like this.

It does not have to be nudity, but I believe, that, and CERTAINLY the Upper- and Elite Class will not settle for less, and them being Dwemer (a more Tech Based Race) would mean (considering the items found: in comparison to the non-Dwemer items these are of high quality/decoration level).

IMHO, and please react to this if you feel different, I believe that DECENT nudity in our Mod can be used, (Check: Pieter-Paul Rubens, the Three Graces: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f5/The_Three_Graces%2C_by_Peter_Paul_Rubens%2C_from_Prado_in_Google_Earth.jpg ) as example.

I think that this form of art would not be prone to ‘censorship’ needed?

Also, if you have other suggestions about Art, then do please share, WITH examples.


As per the classes, the armor and weapons will be more elaborately detailed, up to Mithril inlayed, yet TRUE TO DWEMER style.

Cuttlery and other basic miscelaneous items:

Forks, knifes, spoons, cooking gear, you name it, see Weapons: same idea goes there as well.


We will need to make EVERY SINGLE TEXTURE/MESH/OTHER from scratch, since a) FONV stuff simply does not belong in Morrowind, and b) to prevent Copyright Issues of any form.

Point will be to make HQ-stuff, but so that it will not bug out the computers of people (btw: we will also release a low- and midrange polygon version for low-end computers, we will need to drop the NPC count to maybe 30-50 for them).


After discussing the afore-mentioned with James, our remodeler, and he agrees with the ideas given.

We also thought to make a ‘prude version’ (where breasts/'genitals' will be ‘smeared out’) later on, so there is a version for the nude-haters.

In the end, we are not about to force anything up on the public, rather to have the public given a choice.

A third version will be made even later on for the Multi-Player Skyrim.

Whether this will be the Prude or Standard Version, remains to be seen….

I will contact the people of Skyrim Online.

Could an Art Master please make a few drawings? Thank you.

The Dwemer Mod Crew:

Code of Conduct:

1) We are equal; there will be NO Boss, nor a Subordinate!

2) We will treat the other as you would be treated yourself: friendly and respectful.

3) In case of conflict: talk it out in an atmosphere of respect; argue with base of logics rather than emotion.

4) Avoid harsh talk, any form of insult, sexual tinted things, any other form that could upset a fellow member.

5) If you have an idea, please bring it forward: your input is VERY much welcome. We’ll discuss the idea in Team Based Conversation, and the Team is based on Democracy.

6) If you have a problem with the mod/a person, then address the person about your problem directly, and not through a third person, and build your case on logic rather than emotion.

7) Get MSN for real-time communication: for a Mod this size it is most needed.

Legal Issues:

A) If, and I hope it will not, come to a point that you will leave the team, for whatever reason, then the things given to the Mod Team CANNOT be revoked, nor can it be forbidden to the Team to use it, under no circumstances: once given to the Team, these fall under the territory of the Mod Team, and you agree to it that the given things are to be used free.

B) There will be no profiteering from the things created by us: we do what we do for the enjoyment of the public

C) The Team will have the right to terminate any cooperation, IF and ONLY IF there is a solid base for this (IE: Hijacking the Mod/ModParts for usage elsewhere (this does NOT include your own owned stuff, you are FREE to use your own stuff wherever you like), Impolite/Sexual/Rude addressing of other Team Members, or harassing them in any way, Sabotage (in any form) of the Mod, theft, any form of release of data in any and all forms if the Team has not given a written (e-mail) permission to do so, etc.) and ONLY if the majority of the Team vote for Exclusion. Being excluded means you do no longer have the right to ask for any form of credit.

D) New members can be added by ANYONE, and are automatically accepted IF they agree, and ONLY if they agree with this CoC/Legal Issues. Once part of the Team, they have the same right as the next in line, but also suffer the same law of the Team.

E) Credits: The original author of this mod, Mr. Cambragol is to receive the highest amounts of credits, all others are to be listed below (based on what order?). I, Ben, am not to take credit just as all the others, because being helpful and charitable is not the same as self-sacrifice! My greatest payment would be the joy of others…





Think Tank/Lore Library:

Meshes and Textures (Hold):

Meshes and Textures (Armor):

Meshes and Textures (Weaponry):

Meshes and Textures (Traps)

Scripting (Main Quest Line):

Scripting (Secondary Quest Line):

Scripting (Tertiary Quest Line):

Scripting (Traps):

Art Creation (Traps):

Art Creation (Magics):

Art Creation (General):


Application: Please fill your interest in under this Advancement post.

Tell me what you can, and like to do.

Everybody is welcome AFTER he/she agreed with the Legal Issues (this to protect ourselves from abuse/misuse/other).

By adding AGREED: Forum Name, you become automatically a member of the Team.


Thank you.

Edited by Klipperken
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Friday, January 13, 2011 (+1UTC/GMT (Belgium, Antwerp)):

Cleaned the Vault out.

Untouched Items:





-Placeable water



-Static Collection

Killed Items:








-Misc Item

-Moveable Static





Friday, January 13, 2011 (+1UTC/GMT (Belgium, Antwerp)):

Cleaned the Vault further out.

Killed Items:

-Paper *.* (Static) (and there was a BIIIIG HEAP of this, trust me!)

-Rubble *.* (Static)

-Stain *.* (Static)

-Minor stuff *.* (Static)


Friday, January 13, 2011 (+1UTC/GMT (Belgium, Antwerp)):

Cleaned the Vault even further out.

Killed Items:

-Wood Shelf (Static)

-Wood Board (Static)

-BarrelToxicWaste (Static)

-BarrelStatic (Static)

-Broken Wood Wall (Static)

-Chair *.* (Static)

-Table *.* (Static) (MilitaryTable is left alone not deleted, need to check this item out)

-PosterCluster (Static)

-Mattress (Static)

-Bed (Static)

-DLCAnchBarrel (Static) (??????)

-RefigiratorBroken (Static)

-CoffeeUrn (Static)

-CoffeeBrewer (Static)

-BucketStatic (Static)

-MopBucket (Static)

-Microscope (Static)

-MicroFicheMachine (Static)

-HospitalScreen (Static)

-GroceryShelf (Static)

-GroceryCounter (Static)

-GroceryDisplay (Static)

-GroceryFreezer (Static)

-GlassShards (Static)

-HangWire (Static)

-AnesthesiaMachine (Static)

-Bar (Static)

-Poster (Static)

-RubberFloorMat (Static)

-RefrigiratorClean (Static)

-Refrigirator (Static)




-Shelf *.* (Static)

-Shelves *.* (Static)

-Stool *.* (Static)

-Couch *.* (Static)

-SurgicalCart (Static)






NOTE: I left a few things alone, like Consoles, Terminals, since these MIGHT be needed to open doors, having a trigger system of any sort.

since I have nea cleu what these are about/connected to, I will leave that to people who actually KNOW about this.


Friday, January 13, 2011 (+1UTC/GMT (Belgium, Antwerp)):

Cleaned the Vault even furtherther out.

Killed Items:

-FireExtinguisher (Static)

-CampFireCrafting (Static)

-Trap (Gas) (Static)

-Fungus (Static)

-Shrooms (yes, you see it right, i REMOVED them, you addicted punks! Go lick toads instead...) :P

-Rugs *.* (Except 2 in the Vault86UpperStairwellOld, since these are connected to a triggersystem)

-CrateLarge *.* (Static)

-NellisCrate (Static)

-DCLPittStaticCrate (Static)

-CrateGeneric (Static)

-LoudSpeaker (Static)

-Computerrack (Static)

-Trap (Computer/Computerback) (Activator)

-ComputerPart (Static)

-JukeBoxdirty (Activator)

-FloorLampOff (Static)

-FloorBuffer (Static)

-WallMount (Static)

-Drink (Sink/SinkMetal/Toilet/Urinal/Waterfoutnain) (Activator)/(SinkBroken/ToiletBroken/UrinalBroken/WaterfoutnainBroken) (static) (I are aware of the Foutnain typo, but that is how it was called in the mod) (DrinkTowerPipe (Static) is NOT removed)

-DLC05TrashPile (Static)




-Graffity (ALL) (Static)

-WashingMachine (Static)

-BabyRoomChest (Static)

-TypeWriter (Static)

-Painting (Static) (Except TLPainting)

-Pillow (Moveable Static)

-Vase (Moveable Static)

-Plate (Moveable Static)

-Clock (Static)

-TinCan (Misc Item)

-CinderBlock (Static)

-NukaLamp (Static)

-IndustrialMachine *.*/ (Static)/(Sound)

-Mainframe (Static)/(Activator)

-DLCPittConcBlock (Static)

-XRAYBox (Static)

-HotelLamp (Static)

-ClassicHotelWardrobe (Static)

-IVStand (Static)

-HatStand (Static)

-NukaVendingMachine (Static)


-SignNukaColaBig (Static)

-Tooth (Static) (I bet Nuka Cola has something to do with this?)

-AmmoBoxSTATIC (Static)

-HamRadio (Static)

-SandBag (Single/Straight/90degrees) (Static)

-TrapGrenadeBunch (Activator)

-ToxicDumpwater (Placeable Water)

-ConveyorBelt (End/Machine/Shadowed/Straight/Turn)

-StreetLitter (Edge) (Static)


I will not delete any more simply because I do not know what the rest is for.

I'll leave that to people that actually have understanding of this.



Friday, January 20, 2011 (+1UTC/GMT (Belgium, Antwerp)):

I have contacted Sir Jean Michel Jarre with the request to use some of his tunes in the mod, this because the tunes made by the genius known as Sir Jean Michel Jarre would IMHO fit the Dwemer, considering their techno-driven life-style.

Hoping I will have answer one day, continuing to look for artists that also embody the techno/industrial feeling...



Also contacted Kraftwerk, Apoptygma Berzerk, few others....

Again, awaiting reply.

Edited by Klipperken
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Last Posts from http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/520832-wanted-modding-teamthink-tank-for-new-full-dwemer-mod/page__st__30 (now locked)


by Meatbomb: Modding is just like game design - ideas are cheap, it's the ability to make them happen (actual skills) that are at a premium.


There are not many people who are skilled at texturing / modelling / building but have NO IDEAS and are just waiting for someone like you to tell them what to do. And to control who is hired / fired, what credit they will get, etc.


Sorry to be negative, but as is oftemn the case with these really ambitious ideas you need to bring something to the table aside from "other people will realize my vision and I'll tell them what to do" :)



by ghosu: True, true...just check out the request board. There are 'bout 99% requests and none of them fullfilled...even not the item requests that are doable without the CK. I haven't seen a single guy creating an item for someone...just links to already existing mods and downloads (that helps as well of course)...just check out this one thread from this guy that asked people to post things and he will model it. Started over a month ago, only opened the thread and never replied or created an item...but the thread is 14 sites long, people keep on posting ideas haha ...so i would recommend to stop developing ideas and start to train the practical part.


Modelling is not the easiest thing to learn of course but it is doable, Blender is for free as well...same with texturing and all that stuff, it takes time but it works. I started with 3D Software 'bout 2-3 months ago and i'm able to create, texture and import my own stuff...no pro of course BUT it works - and i'm not the fastest one i guess. And you still have time until the release of the CK.





by Huntsman2310: Modelling is far easier to do then texturing, especially when it comes to complex shapes or patterns.



By me: @ MeatBomb:


True, Sir, you are so correct.

However, I do believe that a few people will come by and work WITH me (never under me, I consider everyone equal).

As for Credits: this is told in the first post how it will work: 60% will be Sir Cambragols, the rest will be shared to the rest, and I will not be amongst them.

However, the potential of the mod is amazing, due to several factors, and I bet, that others will see that fact as well... :)


Thank you.


@ Ghosu:

True, if I were not annoyed by autism/ADHD/severe insomnia.

The Autism and ADHD I consider gifts, these helped me a lot in my life, made me who I am today.

Autism especially has helped me immensely, in several ways.

The ADHD part make me extrovert, which is social-wise a true blessing: without I would have been introvert, with no social life.

I take 100mg Rilatine a day to keep it somewhat under controle.


Thing is though, the loss of focus: it is hard for me to learn new things, it would take me 4 years to get modelling/texturing/meshing going.

By then, 40 new Skyrims will be released....

The insomnia isn't helping either in this regard (got that from an accident), resulting in moodswings over headaches that drive me up the wall to severe epileptic seizures that rip my body apart.



I fear, that learning the skill could be doable, but due to all the factors in my life (wife, 5 kids, family, ...) I will never get to complete something myself.

Hence I ask for help... :)


@ Huntsman: thank you for the reply.



Also by me: I have contacted Sir Jean Michel Jarre with the request to use some of his tunes in the mod, this because the tunes made by the genius known as Sir Jean Michel Jarre would IMHO fit the Dwemer, considering their techno-driven life-style.


Hoping I will have answer one day, continuing to look for artists that also embody the techno/industrial feeling...



Also contacted Kraftwerk, Apoptygma Berzerk, few others....

Again, awaiting reply.


This post has been edited by Klipperken: Today, 03:16 PM


NOTE: Dear Admin/Moderator:

I did not try to either bend rules/do anything illegal as per the sites rules, nor was it the intention to spam.

The reason for 3 posts is that these are separate posts, each with it's own goal.


I hope you can forgive me.



Edited by Klipperken
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For those eager to start:

Desperately needed:

In Fallout New Vegas version:

1) Lights (500Watt Industrial Lighting, so I can check for minor flaws, if any, as well as check for redundant overlooked clutter).

2) Dwemer Walls, doors, simply put: Dwemer ALL, basically, to fleshen out the demo-version.



Fallout New Vegas, latest patch, Sir Cambragols Vault 24


If I am correct, the FONV Vault 24 base can be turned into a Skyrim version?

If I am not mistaken, the basics are the same?



Pictures for the hungry:

I stole these honestly from Google.... all credits to the original poster/photographer.

First Quarters




Lower Staircase







Side view total complex



Of course, this is the FONV style still.

Once Dwemerified, it will look entirely different.

I posted these so you have a thought of the layout....

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