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Nexus Mod Manager crashes on login


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Nexus Mod Manager decided to updated while I was downloading a mod for Skyrim.


I did not change it from its stock download location. Do you know what that location is? Or a folder name I would be able to find if I searched my drives?

Opening the installer, going as far as that choice, then cancelling should tell you.

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Oops, I should rephrase. When Nexus decided to update itself a mod was downloading, and Nexus decided to shut itself down after the installation while the mod was installing.


Aha! I found it. Thank you qwertystop! I have multiple HDs so it can be a pain trying to find something, and I finally did.

Edited by Asininity
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  • 6 months later...
Not that this really helps, but I too am experiencing the same issues with NMM displaying no data after it updated to 0.19.0, and I can't even use the "Download With Manager" button on mod download pages. If that is one of your concerns, I would recommend downloading the mod(s) manually, then using the "Add Mod From FIle" button on the NMM. Just select the downloaded zip file and NMM will install it that way. Hopefully this will be fixed soon. Edited by KitDoctor
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