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Wizard duels


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I've realized Skyrim needs a little magical dueling. Combat focused on two magical opponents squaring off in a clash of wizardly ways. Perhaps implementation/integration of new spells, and AI that is equipped to duel. A focus on the exchange of combat (counter, block, attack, etc.) would be excellent. The focus for the mod, besides the combat, would be intelligent combat. That is, combat wherein certain effects(IE Fire, Ice, Shock, etc.) will be of greater value due to their ability to counter certain effects on opponents. Essentially, it should be a test of the magely player's ability to think on their toes as to what spells in their arsenal would effectively counter their opponents choices. Think of the duels in the recent film, "The Sorcerer's Apprentice," if you need a visualization of what I'm thinking about.


I doubt this would be intended for use in the open world of Skyrim, but instead perhaps as a duelling organization in the College.(Imagine fighting on the roof of the Archmages Tower at night. It'd be pretty spectacular to say the least. As far as the culture around it, it would need to be something similar to the duelling clubs that dominated German and Austrian universities for a time. An organization that keeps it's secrets, and has a "Fight Club"-esque series of rules. That is to say, you don't talk about it.


In all, it would be a minor "sub-faction" or even a "class" within the College. Perhaps formed in response to some external threat, thus allowing for story and duels not between friends to the victory, but between hero/villain, villain/villain, etc.


Thoughts? Do-able?

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it would have to be very streamlined to make us feel the tension of the duel


also there would have to be rules... i for one love this idea but having the other dude summon something on me would be kinda crapy, or becoming invisible or something that messes up the tension...

therefore i suggest a list of acceptable dueling spells.


i dont know how you imagine it beinng played out, but the way i see it is in a stage very harrypotter like, just a stage, no props, no trikery.

therefor it would be almost a gentleman ish sport


then what are your ideas for the battle mechanics??

cos the way i see it actual battle mechanics suck for close to medium range mages, specialy when in the open.

ok so i just thought of this. use a key to toggle the mage duel mode.

this makes the mage stand (not being able to move) in a battle ready position, giving the mage the ability to quick cast any spell (no/almost no charge)

to fix the aiming situation since it is a duel you are locked on to the opponent infront of you.

then the a,w,s,d keys become defensive spell hotkeys along with the directionals. so now you have eight posible actions... wich you can modify to suit your style.


taking it further you can do this in the rest of skyrim, with the same mechanics, if there are multiple foes lock on is by line of sight then closest...



my thoghts on your awesome idea

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I like the idea of being rooted in place, yes. That works well with keeping it within the dueling idea. As well, it provides a slightly more balancing mechanic. Perhaps it could be bound to a particular area, or set on a certain time frame like a power. As well, it would be nice if it improved casting time. However, for sake of modding, I think the directional blocking would have to be limited to frontal for the moment until the mod tools release and the modding community becomes more familiar with custom scripting.


As far as being gentlemanly, just look up the german/austrian dueling clubs. The stereotype villain with a scar across his eye and a german accent was actually based off of reality. The scars tend to be honor signs from a duel. It was considered in essence a gentleman's sport, as it tended to be only university students involved. Taking the idea of scarification, burns etc could be the new "badge of honour".


The mechanics do suck for close range, so range would have to allow for enough time to react. The fastest possible unprepared human reaction is believed to be in the neighborhood of around .35 seconds. So on average, it would need to be at a distance where it would take roughly .75-1 second for the spell to close the gap. Obviously this is something that can be tweaked as needed.


Acceptable dueling spells would be good. Any directional spell seems fair game, as well as wards and healing spells. This could be done I imagine through limiting AI functions in the situation, or creation of new NPCs with only select spells in their inventory. I'm generally in favour of less new NPCs unless voice acting becomes involved. (But that's a whole new ball game altogether.)

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It's quite a few possibilities connected to that idea. You could talk to certain teacher, and get certain duels.

For instance, a summoning duel. You are allowed to summon 1 summon, and the fight starts.

Or a destruction duel. The first person to get the other one to, say, 10%, wins.

or... etc.


You could then arrange bigger duels, where all spell schools are allowed. You could even go illegal and do death matches, or bet on other mages. You know, the whole "undercover illegal mage arena for any magic casting people!", where both necromancers and wizards from the college could go.

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Nice addition. I like the idea of underground/different school/ etc. leagues. Skyrim already has plenty of bad ass locations for underground duels in and around the college. Shrine of Azura, The Midden, top of the Archmages tower, etc.


Hopefully the CK drop soon and someone can investigate this. I'd love to look into how plausible it is, or at least approach someone of talent on the concept for the mod. Lots of potential. I'll at the very least try my hand to see what is involved once the CK drops to get an idea of the scope of work? Who knows, maybe a set of determined modding newbies can pull it together.

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