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step 1


can anyone make a interface that lets you choose the ingridients just like normal, then give u the option of controling via scrollers how much of some effect you want?? after giving it some thought this could be a replacement for the stupid master rank alchemy perk...

i find it really anoying that there are mixed effects on my potions when i just want one...


the way i imagine it is by having the potions menu and instead of "r" crafting the potion, there is a sliding menu from right to left that has the same number of scrollers as the potion has effects.


and for those who think there should be a cost... as i said above this replaces the lvl 100 alchemy perk.


step 2


then taking it further by combining it with the combine potions mod, you would actually be creating the potions your want/or need depending on your game style....

this way in one potions you can have all the effects you want rather than having many...


or instead of using the already existing combining mod... lets keep it real... law of equivalent exange, combine 2 different potions and you get 2 potions with averaged effects...


1 potion of 100 health + 1 potion of 100 magica = 2 potions of 50 health 50 magica


this would keep us from having stupidly overpowered options or poisions, yet give us much more depth when it comes to alchemy.


step 3


if the second option is used then this step makes more sense.

having a second level in the master alchemy perk.

this perk would allow you to spike the potions with one ingredient/potion/poision to give it another effect

but if it is an ingredient then it would be a random effect (or atleast one of the four it comes with)

and if it is a potion/poison then a random value of the effects it has would be added.

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