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COD with General Merchants


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So every time I try to buy goods from a merchant (general goods or alchemical thus far, haven't checked Radiant Raiments yet), I crash. This includes Khajiit merchants. However, it doesn't effect food merchants, blacksmiths, jewelers or innkeepers. I believe it does effect weapons merchants as well (which isn't a problem because I make my own. Still, it's the principle). Does anyone have any idea on what it could possibly be? I restarted a new game and it still does it. Recent mods installed before this happened were


1)Immersive Horses


3)Run For Your Lives

4) Climates of Tamriel (Including Interiors)

5)Better Bows

6)Unique Bow Collection

7)Common Clothes

8)SkyTEST - Realistic Animals & Predators

9)Rustic Clothing


That being said, I don't see how any of these mods can effect purchasing. It only crashes when I try to buy something. I could talk to them about anything else.

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