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Help applying different arrows to Bound Bow


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I have made new arrows, created a Projectile and an Ammo in the records. Making it a normal arrow works perfectly with normal bows but setting the arrows to be bound arrows and changing the PROJ in the bound bow magic effect to my new arrows still has it using the old bound arrows. Am I missing a record somewhere?
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It probably links the original arrow in via a script and the record for it is simply to define the item in question for scripting purposes.


PEX Decompiler, and PEX Compiler are both available here on the Nexus and can be used to alter the game's scripts and recompile them as a new script that you would assign to the spell via your plugin. I'm not personally experienced with this so I probably couldn't offer more specific help but basically you want to find anywhere the default script references the old arrows and change that to your new arrows.

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