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Unique Guard Cuirass?


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Hello. I have been browsing through the mods... And I think it's safe to say that I'm the only person who likes the guard armours more than the other ones. The only issue I have with the standard guard armours: 1. All the guards in each specific hold has them (Not so bad, just means easy to find) and 2. Impossible (Exception being console commands) to get without an obscene pickpocket skill and the perfect touch perk, or murder (Again, thanks to console commands, not so bad). I was wondering, if someone could mod in a unique one for me? It's not much, I realize that, but I can't mod T_T. If anything, could someone help me find the resources to do this myself?
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Huntsman, a simple retexture and ingame naming will do. A new mesh would be overkill.


Bustillomoreno, obtaining it isn't really an issue thanks to the magical tilde key.



Anywho, if this is a pointless request then feel free to ignore it. :\

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