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Need 16 hotkeys [or more!] on Xbox controller


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16 hotkeys on the xbox 360 controller


Please... I am desperate for more hotkeys. 8 is progress, but it's not enough. I would be most appreciative if someone would create a mod to support 16+ hotkeys on the xbox controller. I would even settle for 8 on the controller and then using my keyboard numpad for the others, ANYTHING is better than the situation I'm in now, where every time I see someone trying to kill me [in game], I have to pause and change to the other weapon/spell/shout/armor that I should be wearing, but don't have room on my 8 hotkeys for.


Ideally, create more modifier keys... RB could be a secondary modifier then remap Shout to another key or combination. Alternatively, use all 8 d-pad directions (i.e. diagonals) with the LB modifier - not as accurate, but doable. Or use LT & LB as a modifier... there are a hundred ways to do it, just do it!


I'm trying to play a hybrid class and explore some of the spells I've never used before [alteration/illusion/conjuration] but these are not 'go to' spells, they are to be used in specific situations and after using up all the 8 hotkeys for my main spells/shouts/weapons, I don't have any room for the spells I want to have fun with. So, Bethesda, let me ask you; what's the point of having a "favorites" menu if it just ends up being another list of items just like the menu? Yes, it may be a tad bit quicker, but I still have to pause the gave every five seconds to switch something... unless, of course, we're meant to just wear heavy armor all the time and mash X until everything stops breathing - this is the message you send when the console version of your game only supports two favorites. Lord, if I had to play this game on console, I'd just go whack my hand with a hammer - that is guaranteed to be more exciting.


I am using Categorized Favorites Menu and I've customized it with 10 categories, as best fitting my needs as possible. It helps [quite a bit, actually], and so do a few other sorting and UI mods, but IT IS NOT ENOUGH. I currently use Better Xbox 360 Controller which gives 8 hotkeys (d-pad up/down/left/right with LB modifier) and that makes the game so much better, but I need more... give me one or two more modifiers. I don't want to pause in combat ever again... If someone can make a mod with 32 hotkeys, I'll... I don't know... do something really nice for you or something. No, I won't do that, you frakkin weirdo... most other things, ok.


It's amazing to me that Bethesda can make such an amazing, groundbreaking game, yet overlook some of the most fundamental and core gameplay issues, like they have with this release. All I can say is thank God for the modding community. shite, thank Talos, too.


If we can just forego the "lern 2 play w keeboard n mouze" chat, then I'd appreciate that, as well. Any game that you play for longer than an hour at a time should be played with a controller, in a comfortable (yet supportive) leather chair, with a cold beverage, imhfo. Thank you.

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