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Did console commands, now can't move but 90 degrees left and right


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I have NEVER had this happen before in all my years of playing in console with fallout 3, NV or Skyrim til today.

Had Skyrim on, went to Farkas, hit TAI and EVERYONE in Jovvraskr stopped moving as it's to do. I then focused on Farkas, hit remove all items, did an add to faction for marriage. Marriage thing didn't work so I figured meh. No biggie.

I turned everything back off, and his AI still wouldn't work, the 'talk E' notification is on all the time, yet I can talk to anyone else when I walk about - but the worst?


I can not turn in a 360 degree any more. I can only turn maybe between 90 and 180 degrees left or right but sometimes it goes closer to 90.


What in the WORLD just happened? I even tried reverting to an old save and I still can't turn. FArkas had his stuff back, his AI is on but he's still not moving. :C


Help? I'll give you a million Septims if you help me out.

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