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PS.: i'm starting this ideia out of the paper, nothing big yet. but plan to make an alternative to OBIS.


One ideia that i didn't see done yet, is a mod aimed to make vanilla bandits, chief, and so on more unique, having better abilities, a new improved look to bosses, to make it apart from the commom ones, a unique variety for some unique quests. (Dawnguard, Dragonborn)


Imagine a mod that mixes ideias from Legendary Bandits, concept design (Or at least something similar) and so on. There is something that has always bothered me in all my experience by playing Skyrim, meanwhile many mods reduced this problem, it was still a issue until it became tangible with works like Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul and RDO relationship Dialogue Overhaul. that revitalize vanilla NPC. and make them not feel so much like robots.

For now, there are mods as engaging as Beast of Tamriel, Revenge of the Enemies, Immersive creatures and OBIS (and others, the two cited being the most know, the last cited, the only that focus on bandits unless someone corrects me) that offer more diversty to the game, but no change on how the vanilla enemy behaves, its own nature, it's strategy and how it interacts with it's own universe,(I don't mean Combat or emeny IA) it's like they are just bandits who are there just for being, they do not have classes/hierachy nor unique durties (having the Eyersee, the Keeper, The chief Right hand, Bundler, etc.) than just bandit, bandit chief.

The game itself offer so many points/plots that can give immersion to vanilla, like the war/conflict, the world it's in risk, and Tamriel, you know, is not a place full of rainbows and flowers, where everyone can live forever happly after. that it would take a long time to list all the possiblities. :laugh:


but now returning to the main point.:

Has you even, been playing, and felt, sometimes like rambo, by just passing trought wanever was on the way, and saw a camp, like you was just killing zombies and Clones? not criminals, a cult, or a gang or whanever?

so yeah, the point of the Project is mainly that.


reimagining the origins of the vanilla enemies, what they do, and how they relate to the world. in some ways, some imoral things should be taken in acount, like age, class, race and gender.

Bandits can have a lot of classes based on location and organization, instead of being just placed by the player level.

Some are maded for lower criminals who are just making a living without trying to raise to much attention, to places where people fear and simple avoid by having the local settlement to pay a bit to keep them in peace.

It's purpose and time invested also determinate the level of dificculty and not just to have a 16 Teen Thief as the same level of a 48 Exiled Baron Dealer.

The basic goal, is to make a enemy title mean more than it's level. but it's nature, location and background where they will be found.:

  • Bandit Fledgling
    - Person that sucumbs to the crime life, always young and bad equipped/skilled. usually out of the main operations
  • Bandit (Vanilla)
    - Typical Enemy with no unique trait, they are not new as criminal, but not old or experienced. defualt bandit among many places
  • Bandit Peddler
    - Beggar like bandit, cowards that atempt to intimidate people
  • Bandit Wanderer
    - Like the peddler bandit, but stay at isolated areas
  • Bandit Paw
    - Criminal who serve it's clients and other factions
  • Bandit Trainer
    - Bandit who train animals and creatures to serve it's own purporses
  • Bandit Thug (Vanilla)
    - Bandid who can attack victims in clear day, prefer safety and easy targets to focus
  • Bandit Cooker
    - Bandit who carry meat and animal parts, skilled in dual wield
  • Bandit Chaser
    - Bandid who is hard to escape and can detect it's victim at long distance
  • Bandit Brute
    - Well bodied bandit, tank wise who use two handed attacks
  • Bandit Attacker
    - Bandit that attack from long sight, usually found in cities during the day, but more rare than vampire attacks
  • Bandit Shredder
    - Criminals who destroy places in search of profit, high agressive
  • Bandit Highwayman (Vanilla)
    - Bandit of long life, usually found in roads and sometimes near cities. likes to work alone in general.
  • Bandit Keeper
    - Bandit who patrol resources
  • Bandit Charger
    - Bandit who carry the weight of the work. heavy tank focused in defense.
  • Bandit Stalker
    - Bandit who watch targets on the road or near cities
  • Bandit Brawler
    - Skilled at one hand combat, standart combat and soldier like level
  • Bandit Dealer
    - Bandit who use resources, carry many poisons and is smarter than the commom ones
  • Bandit Outlaw (Vanilla)
    - Famous criminal recognized by it's hold.
  • Bandit Scraper
    - Bandit that takes the rest of an empty place, agressive, skilled but bad equiped
  • Bandit Watcher
    - Bandit that protects any given operation. can alert it's allies and call for reinforcement.
  • Bandit Marauder (Vanilla)
    - Trained and well organized Criminal who work in a solid matter in it's operations. generaly into places of profit development.
The proposed change is to expand and give meaning to bandits while being split into four natures.:

Each group have a unique trait and will have a unique behavior towards the player. The reason, is to fix some inconsistencies within the world. (Bandits being 3 times bigger than the native citizens) (Criminality and economy inconsistencies. etc)





Crime: Small thefts, disturbance, illness, people falsely accused of crimes.

Identity: Sub class citizens, the kind who commit small crimes, rejected from cities in general, are formed by beggars, unemployed, the sick, disturbed and the poor people.

Location: At isoled or safe places?, villages and roads, rarely at forts, mines and dungeons. rejected by higher criminals and greater Factions

Behavior: Lazy, don't care for much stuff and work only for it's well being near small fire, relaxing at one place, drunk or sleeping

Agression: Avoid combat unless in group, cowards in general that run when outnumbered

Skill: Unarmed combat, One handed and Two Handed, short weapows and no use of shields in general with afinity for magic. can sometimes pass a disease to the player in some camps.





Crime: People who work out of the law, abuse the land and commit passional crimes, bad behaviour and conduct, where the self interest reach danger.

Identity: Individuals and bad people in general, of Skyrim and from other places out of it who take opportunity of the current state of the land and it's affairs. where the line may not be perceived by the player.

Location: Near cities, villages and roads, sometimes at forts, mines and dungeons. Can work with or for greater Factions

Behavior: Self colected, greedy and brave, as arrogant sometimes. hunt, train and patrol. use tools and are self aware.

Agression: Avoid combat unless provoked, easy to be agressive and can assault when in favor.

Skill: Good at hunt, good skill in combat (One Hand/Two Hands/Dual, Shield and Bow, Magic only if dedicated user)





Crime: Organized bandits who trade influence and power across holds. domain key places that return profit and knowledge for more strength.

Identity: Dealers, Barons, Corrupted chiefs, people of powers in general and it's followers across and out of Skyrim

Location: At forts, bigger mines and dungeons. rarely out of dungeons. and generaly far away from big holds.

Behavior: Arrogant by nature. study, work and develop it's loaction.

Agression: Agressive when detected. possible to avoid

Skill: Well trained, use all types of skills. (using two types at once) and tend to use equipament with decent quality.





Crime: Agressive bandits and violent people by nature. the kind who enjoy destruction, suffering and death.

Identity: Assassins, monsters, barbarians, murderers, psicopats and people raised as tools and weapows.

Location: At desoled places, generaly far away from roads and the commom people. can be at dungeons. and also far away from big holds.

Behavior: Violent, train or torture it's victims. don't tend to patrol much. hunt sometimes

Agression: Always agressive when detected. never possible to avoid

Skill: High Skilled in combat, tend to use skimpy armor in general and use standart weapows.





Class, Name, Scaling and new forms of classification:


Bandits almost never form a faction by itself, criminals, being mainly organized in smaller to mid groups, or in service of groups with high hierachy. Bandits may gain a title before or after their name, or just carry it's base title according to their current location. In vanilla Skyrim any Enemy (Humanoid) are defined by Type + Level. (Bandit Thug) With exceptions to mages. (Mage Aprentice or Ice Mage)
The rework change Level to Type and Type to nature, as.:
(Example Bandit + "type", "type" + Bandit or just "Type") A example of type and new bandits are as it follows.:
Bandit + "type" (Bandit Peddler, Bandit Looter, Bandit Watcher, Bandit Cooker ,Bandit Trainer, Bandit Brute, Bandit Brawler, Bandit Shredder)
"type" + Bandit (Lazy Bandit, Lead Hunter, Wanted Hunter, Hired Thug, Merciless Thug, Suspicious Guard, False Guard)
"Type only" (Lowlife, Lazy, Peddler, Wanderer, Vagrant, Looter, Charger, Scraper, Addict, Watcher, Cooker ,Bucther, Hooker, Right Hand, Door Guard, Trainer, Wanted, Hated, Brute, Brawler, Shredder)
Also having Victims and gray Npc to encounter that does not make a faction by itself, victims of the Conflict and the Dragon Menace, are in general being used by Bandits or any high hierarchy.
State/Nature = ( Lost, Captive, Slave, allied, Runaway, Rebel, Revolted, Forsaken, Insane, Troubled) + Name = (Farmer, Miner, Worker, Laborer, Refugee, Bounty Hunter, Adventurer, Child, Son, Daughter)



and so on, i'm going to update this post later. hope my english doesnt suck to much. if someone know a modder who is already working on this, highlight me. Thanks =D

Tell me what you think, and if you also like the ideia, what you would like to suggest and see too. ^^


sorry for my english.

Edited by TheBxushis
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I know this is not what you meant by this post but upon seeing it, I think this would be cool for any uniquely named enemies or "bosses". Like the Forgemaster in the Dawnguard DLC, instead of looking like a normal centurion, perhaps he could be bigger and look like the dwarven colossus from the ESO trailer instead or something. Unique enemies should look unique.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now i remenber i maded a post about this, but better to explain than redirect this post, i like OBIS, but OBIS is tecnicaly a "interesting npcs", i would love to see a ICAO/RDO in a "sense" to commom bandits, there is a mod, that does a bit of this, that is done by CEMN, that explore more the lore of commom Bots you face.

i think explained the best.: (Look up, Discussion/Sugestion is welcome, and i know it not easy, but don't hurt to talk about it. =D)

Edited by TheBxushis
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