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WereKhajit hybrid, same as werewolf only as a bipedal feral cat


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Khajit form or hybrid of the Werewolf.


I've found it really strange, and felt something a'miss with the Khajit player model turning into a Canine werewolf. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I don't like being a werewolf in general. I'm just saying that when you're playing as a Khajit, it should transform you into a werecat or werekhajit. Something the same height as the werewolf and as muscular and lanky, only with a feline face and hands.

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Lycanthropy is a specific disease so it will, lore-wise, always be a werewolf. There are other similar deseases in TES lore that transforms you into diferent creatures... werelions, werebears, wereboars, werevultures, but lycanthropy is for werewolves no matter your race.

But anyway... There was a lot of werewolf replacers in Oldrim... dont know if they were ported yet... Beasts of tamriel have a collection of werebeasts but i'm not sure if it has replacers or not.

Edited by avallanche
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