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Problems in SkyrimNexus


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when trying to download a Mod, if i try to go to the "Files" or "Images" "Tags" "Comments" Tabs it simply resets me back to the top of the page rather than taking me to the page i intend to go to, this is preventing me from downloading any mods same appears to happen when i click on an arrow to scroll through Mod images (the set of 3 images at the top of a mod page...


any help would be great, running Chrome on Win 7

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Try a control f5 to get a page refresh, if that does not wok link me to the page giving you trouble.

refreshing a page does nothing, and its all of the mod pages for example




simply clicking on any of the tab bottons above the description, even the Green download button puts me back to the top of the page


EDIT: I must also note that right clicking an "open in new tab" simply opens up an identical page stuck on only letting me see the description


EDIT2:just opened IE and it all works fine there, so it is just my Chrome doing something xP

Edited by FivePercentSure
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