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Prostitution; your thoughts


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First of all, I have no faith. I dont believe in anything unless what I can see and feel. So I wont come up with the argument it's against God's, Allah's will or whatever other god there is. ( n/o to the religous people ) But I'm afraid the argument of being against the religion is just a weak argument to avoid not to prevend.


Now the prostitution part.

Should prostitution being legalised? Yes. Why? Simply, because as long as it is illegal diseases and the slave trade may carry on uncontrolled. i don't say it will solve it but I believe it will make a difference. Every borthel will have to control the people they employ for diseases and the ones who "freelance" wont get customers cause people won't trust them. About the 12-year old girl that was mentionned, I find it very hard to believe that a twelve year old girl does that in her own wish. 16 - 18 yes, but 12?


I wouldn't use them tho. I find it that sex has to come with love and not with money.

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hey .. this is my first post.

i think prostitution should be legal. i don't believe it's particularly right, as only someone with psychological issues could want to do that (become a prostitute) if they had another, healthier, easier, less dangerous option.

but the fact is many people feel they do not have another option, and until this changes (which may be never) prostitution is going to continue, legal or not.

with legal prostitution, if something happens, the prostitute can seek help without fear of going to gaol.

also this may give the women (and men) strength and confidence to say no to something unreasonable (like a man refusing to wear a condom).

well .. sorry if this is a bit random.



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