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Fallout 4 NIF to Blender if you know how to edit Bodyslide Coding


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I would ask Onunius, but I can't tell if their busy, lazy (I'm lazy too, but if Onunius doesn't want to do it fine) or not really good at coding specific-use cases.


Well before I was asking for Copy Properties Feature for Bodyslide (Which I attempted to Delete 2 threads over and got locked), but now its needed more than ever.

I just figured out how to Convert a NIF from Fallout 4 Meshes without using 3DSMax, 3DSMax NIF Plugin and Blender NIF Plugin.

All that needed to be done is Import Converted.OBJ/.FBX > Right-click on Shape /> Properties > Geometry Tab > Uncheck "Skinned" > Okay then Export as NIF (If not done then NIF causes Game to Crash)

also if you see no changes its cause you also need Add Material or Texture Paths in Shader Tab


If your like me and trying to use Multiple Meshes that need a single Texture or Material file or 1 thing changed in Properties, but don't want to do everything 1 by 1 then you need this feature.


I would put it in Mod Request, but I need help understanding why it isn't needed, and if someone can code either in the spare time or code like Onunius (Not trying to upset Onunius).

Edited by Lukong1515
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