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Forge Categories


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I'm really curious if it will be possible to add to the forge categories once to CK comes out. Its really bothersome having to put custom armors/weapons in a predefined category that doesn't really fit. So I'm really hoping we'll be able to add categories to that list for custom sets.


For example, the list would look like so with the Eisen armor added:








What does everyone think? Possibility or too engine based to be modified? I know we wont really know until the CK comes out, but I'm looking for thoughts and idea's on what to try to work on first.

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Yeah I'm betting this will be both possible and easy. I'm really hoping so - it will make mod compatibility all that much easier.


This should end up making the addition of "craftables" the easiest and most entertaining type of mod possible.

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All I know is if we can't add to that menu, I'm going to be very upset with bethesda. With as much as they revere our modding capabilities and creativity, one would hope that they would leave doors like that open for us to expand upon. I mean honestly though, they know us modders love our custom armors, it would be stupid for them to not make it easy enough to be able to craft our custom pieces of work. So I really can't see it not being possible.


Right now as a temporary fix, I'm going to move the single piece of studded armor into the leather category, and then use the studded menu for all my custom stand-alone armors. This seems like the simplest solution until the CK. And hell, even if we end up not being able to, this seems like a good idea. I don't know why they only put one piece of damn armor in a whole category to begin with lol.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I read that it is not possible with the CK. From what I have seen, that statement seems true. You can set custom weapons and armor to have a certain catagory of crafting material, by adding a preset keyword like MaterialSteel(or whatever it's called) and it will show up under the steel catagory. What I read is you cannot make a custom keyword, and make a new material that the keyword is associated with in the crafting menu. It seems like it is one of those things that is unfortunately hard-coded. Edited by thedemoninside
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