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ENB merge


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Hey community, I've recently modded my game with a .dll file named "ENB Dark Gothic", which offered an incredible visual aspect of skyrim, but I've even more recently found out about another ENB mod named "Cinematic Lighting". Both had different goods and bads, so I tried to learn how to merge two dll files into one, but the page was a bit too long, so here I am, typically lazzy. I will provide you to a link of both mods below;





All I'm asking for is a mod with the dark and rich tone from gothic and the enhanced, more realistic shaders from cinematic lightings, and maybe some custom features too ;)


Anyways, thanks for anyone reading this thread and an enormous thanks for those who reply, or even make this mod possible!

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I love both ENB mods too,

I've chekced both but I think the gothic ENB is far to complex for me... sorry

the only thing I did and get a bit close to cinematic days is install the gothic mod into skyrim and copy the enbpalette from HD6 over the gothic one. But probably you already done that.


Just an idea, hope it helps.

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