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Turn off the crafting "holographic" overlay


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I'm trying to find if there is a mod about it, but no luck. Only more posts about people asking for a way to turn it off.


You know when you are crafting something, and the item preview (and quite possible the world model when its dropped) have this overlay to make it look like is a hologram?

I wish a mod to turn it off, and show the real colors and shape.

If there is mod for this, can you point it out?


Thanks in advance.

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I think there is an ini setting that you can use that does this. its something about disabling the pipboy effects. Downside to this is no matter what color you choose for the pipboy, it will always be white, the color change will only affect the light when you turn the flashlight on. Also, I'm not 100% sure this setting affects the item preview you are talking about...

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