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[LE] Weapon Poison replace and remove


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With plugin "Infinite Weapon Poison" (author meh321, Nexus link for plugin and its source- http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64142/?)

I can replace and remove poisons on weapon and it is really cool!

But Infinite shots break my mod that add in Alchemy a perk that give 10 poison shots (or more with more Alchemy points).


Please, help me to edit this plugin and remove infinite poison shots.

Or advice me how can I do it self?


Below is the code of main.cpp from source of plugin "Infinite Weapon Poison".

I modify it for two days, but was not able to remove infinite poison shots (((


--------------------- code -------------------------------------------------------------------------

typedef unsigned char UInt8; //!< An unsigned 8-bit integer value

typedef unsigned short UInt16; //!< An unsigned 16-bit integer value

typedef unsigned long UInt32; //!< An unsigned 32-bit integer value

typedef unsigned long long UInt64; //!< An unsigned 64-bit integer value

typedef signed char SInt8; //!< A signed 8-bit integer value

typedef signed short SInt16; //!< A signed 16-bit integer value

typedef signed long SInt32; //!< A signed 32-bit integer value

typedef signed long long SInt64; //!< A signed 64-bit integer value

typedef float Float32; //!< A 32-bit floating point value

typedef double Float64; //!< A 64-bit floating point value


#include "Windows.h"

#include "skse/PluginAPI.h"

#include "skse/skse_version.h"


int allowOverwrite1 = 0x7462CD;

int allowOverwrite2 = 0x7462D4;


int isPoison1 = 0x4757B0;


int reducePoison1 = 0x475810;

int reduceCharge1 = 0x410711;

int reduceCharge2 = 0x410719;


int doRemove = 0;


extern "C"


bool SKSEPlugin_Query(const SKSEInterface * skse, PluginInfo * info)


// populate info structure

info->infoVersion = PluginInfo::kInfoVersion;

info->name = "item poison plugin";

info->version = 1;


if (skse->isEditor || skse->runtimeVersion != RUNTIME_VERSION_1_9_32_0)

return false;

return true;



bool SKSEPlugin_Load(const SKSEInterface * skse)


void * jumpAddress1 = NULL;

void * jumpAddress2 = NULL;




mov jumpAddress1, offset IPCodeStart

jmp IPCodeEnd


mov ecx, esi

mov doRemove, 1

call reducePoison1

mov ecx, esi

call isPoison1

test eax, eax

jmp allowOverwrite2






mov jumpAddress2, offset RPCodeStart

jmp RPCodeEnd


test ecx, ecx

jbe RPBack

cmp doRemove, 0

je RPBack

mov doRemove, 0

mov ecx, 0

mov [eax+8], ecx


jmp reduceCharge2




DWORD oldProtect = 0;


int len2 = allowOverwrite2 - allowOverwrite1;

if (VirtualProtect((void *)allowOverwrite1, len2, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldProtect))


*((unsigned char *)allowOverwrite1) = (unsigned char)0xE9;

*((int *)(allowOverwrite1 + 1)) = (int)jumpAddress1 - allowOverwrite1 - 5;

for (int i = 5; i < len2; i++)

*((unsigned char *)(i + allowOverwrite1)) = (unsigned char)0x90;

VirtualProtect((void *)allowOverwrite1, len2, oldProtect, &oldProtect);



int len1 = reduceCharge2 - reduceCharge1;

if (VirtualProtect((void *)reduceCharge1, len1, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldProtect))


*((unsigned char *)reduceCharge1) = (unsigned char)0xE9;

*((int *)(reduceCharge1 + 1)) = (int)jumpAddress2 - reduceCharge1 - 5;

for (int i = 5; i < len1; i++)

*((unsigned char *)(i + reduceCharge1)) = (unsigned char)0x90;

VirtualProtect((void *)reduceCharge1, len1, oldProtect, &oldProtect);


return true;




Edited by kelamor
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