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Terrain painting glitch


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Hey everyone,

I'm really tired of just trying to work around the glitchyness of painting textures on the terrain and wondering if anyone has found some solutions. I realize it may just be how it is but even if you have no ideas it may make me feel better just hear some kind of feedback.


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Although you haven't specifically said what your "glitchiness" is, I can offer this:


You can only have 8 textures in any given "quad" of any given "cell".


In other words, a CELL is divided into four parts. If you attempt to use more than 8 textures in a "quad" then you'll get that "hard edge" glitchiness. Used to drive me insane... then I read the instructions... haha





Editor won't let you paint new landscape textures


Landscape textures by quad


You may find that the editor will allow you to alter the terrain mesh, but not paint a new landscape texture, or that the new texture will suddenly stop at an invisible border. If this is the case, you have too many landscape textures painted on the current quad.


Individual cells are divided into four quads. Each quad may only have seven textures associated with it (Oblivion landscapes support up to nine textures). Once you have reached this limit, the editor will no longer allow you to add more. You may view which textures are currently painted to your landscape by pulling up the Landscape Texture Viewer, which is done by pressing "I". (Note that the viewer will show you the textures for the currently selected cell, so make sure you have the correct cell active.) The texture viewer will show you a breakdown of textures by cell quad and the corresponding percentage of the quad that is painted with a particular texture.


If you have used all of the texture slots but would like to change one of the textures, select the texture you would like to remove in the Texture Viewer and press the Delete key on your keyboard. Do not delete the first texture in the list: this has been known to cause cell data to become corrupted. (Needs verification that this still applies to the Geck.) If you want to remove the first texture in the list, paint with a different texture until the first texture has a lower percentage and then remove it from lower in the list. (You will have to close and reopen the texture viewer to update it with these changes.)

Edited by MGE
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