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Sparkling Pixels/dots Shimmering Issue.Is there any solution?


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Ok so this issue has been bothering me for a long time.

I get these weird dots/pixels shimmering ,almost sparkling over certain surfaces in witcher 3.

It usually happens in and around shiny surface like armor ,edges of sword,more akin to texture shimmering on these objects,which can be negated by applying DSR.

But what can't be avoided is the same thing happening over wet,and /or blood textures/surfaces,or anywhere where there is a wet shiny surface involve.

Its very difficult to show in screenshots cause its only noticeable in motion.So i uploaded a video to youtube and will be sharing a link,and another link from one other guy who has the same issue.

I have gone through 3 GPUs,suspecting it was something with the hardware,a 970,980 and now on a 1070,with a change of Motherboard and CPU too,safe to assume now its not a hardware issue and probably something to do with the way the game is rendered,and in that case i have a few questions


1 is this how the game is supposed to look?? i doubt it but ..well


2 did you notice this annoying thing while playing this game??


3 is these any solution??





The video i posted is running on 4k dsr so the shimmering on the armor and swords is nearly negated,but you can still clearly notice shimmering pixels on the blood textures over the body on ground.



Second video is posted by another guy ,so i am not the only one noticing this thing.



there are several other examples on youtube too.


It happens on some other games too,like Rise of the tomb raider mostly on wet shiny surfaces,and snow textures and to an extent in AC: unity ,but witcher 3 is the most annoying.

Edited by Razpor
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