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Oblivion Uncut glitch, and how to fix it


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There's a minor glitch with Oblivion Uncut that makes it necessary to have two conversations with the Emperor before he'll give you the Amulet of Kings. First he forcegreets you with "I can go no further", and ends with "close shut the jaws of Oblivion." The conversation then ends, and you have to activate him to hear the same dialogue repeated almost word for word, but skipping the first sentence and ending with "close shut the marble jaws of Oblivion." I think it's due to Oblivion Uncut editing the same greetings as the UOP.


To fix this, open Oblivion Uncut in the CS, and find "Charactergen" in the Quests menu. Go to the Topics menu and select "Greeting", then delete the greeting that begins with "I can go no further." Save and close - problem solved!

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