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Framerate Capped at 35?


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So today when I was playing skyrim with fraps on I noticed that wherever I went, my framerate would stay the same, at 35 fps. I usually run the game at around 40-60 frames, why all of a sudden it decides to cap at 35?

Even the loading screen which should be at like 200 fps is capped at 30. Anyone know why this happened and how I can fix it?

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Well, maybe it's coz of fraps? If you want to figure out your fps you could use Skyrim -Elys- MemInfo.

Much better tool to check out your fps and so on.

If your fps are still lower than usual, try to figure out what you have changed or updated. Drivers, Programms and so on.

If nothing helps, there is a d3d9.dll from AntiFREEZE performance patch 9 ENBSeries that may help get your fps back.

Gave me a nice fps push.

Other than that, i can't help you.

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