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hey, everybody, i just hacked my brand new PSP :D


the only thing that sucks though is that i had to hardmod my battery since i dont know anyone with a psp :(


oh well though, now i can go to walmart and turn off their tv's and change the channel and stuff :)

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Wow....I hate hacking. I do use action replay DS and I use it only for rare things in Animal Crossing, and the occasional Master Ball trick in Pokemon, but that can serriously ruin your system.


I have only once played a friends PSP and was not impressed. The graphics are good for a portable consoel, but would rather play my Game Boy Color:P. My portable consoel of choice is DS. The only two consoels I play are Wii and DS. I do not think I would buy a Psp. How is it?

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So you turned your $160 PSP into a $10 television remote just to go to walmart and do something that no one will think is funny and no one will care about. Your parents must be so proud.
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well, i can make it emulate an N64 console, Xbox, PS1, GBA, GBC, or Sega (any console).

i can also use it as a phone though my IP

there are many things you can do with a modded PSP. :)

i can even use it as a wireless 360/wii/ps3 controller :D


EDIT: my parents dont even know i bought myself a psp. :)

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doesnt matter if they find out though. as long as i own legal copies of the game, it doesnt matter wtf i do with my own devices.

i know it voids the warranty, but who cares?

and there are programs to unbrick it even if i brick it :)


i only use it when i am unable to be at my computer and 360, so i like it :)

i dont have a phone either, so it makes me happy that i can txt people with it, and access the internet from anywhere.

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When it stops working/blows up/gets discovered by the police/Sony, you will regret doing that to it. All you've managed to do is make a terrible console slightly less terrible by breaking half a dozen laws (even more if you actually do use it to emulate other consoles). Congrats.


Definition of a backhanded compliment. Why even bother?


Terrible? Do you have research to back that up or is that opinion?


The PSP isn't plain terrible. It has the best graphics for a handheld and some cool media options: movies, music, etc. Save terrible for the Gizmondo. Of course I enjoy the DS more as it's just easier and faster to pick up and play. Much better for a quick game during breaks.


Not much into hacking but good for you dude. :thumbsup:

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ahh yeah, the DS is quite nice.

it does have quite a few good games, and the back compatability with GBA games also helps.

the only thing i dont like about it is the damn little pencil for the touch screen that you get with it always seems to disappear ;) i think my little brother has spent more money on those than games hahaha

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