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Add poison damage to a special ghoul?


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At some point in a dungeon I'm planning, there's a doctor's office full of notes on patients, one of which is a lady named Ms. Sanalitro who managed to develop "chlamydia, gonorrhea, immodest bumps, syphilis, hepatitis, trichomoniasis, and some things I'm not yet sure how to classify."


Later, this named ghoul can be encountered. I would like her to deal poison damage in addition to what a ghoul does normally. Yes, it's an immature joke, but is there a way to do this without creating a new kind of ghoul?

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Propably make poison magic effect, then make spell that uses that effect, then make script that gives that spell to that specific ghoul. AddSpell should work in quest alias?


You said it's gonna be named ghoul, so are you planning to name it with script since you said you are not gonna make new kind of ghoul? If so, you could add that spell in same script you change that ghouls name.


How to do this, well you could check radscorpion poison spell and magic effects for the effect itself.

Edited by vkz89q
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Hmm, is it gonna be normal ghoul or feral ghoul? Feral ghouls can't use weapoins I think but normal ghouls yes, it could be weapon too. I don't think you can drag radscorpions spell to weapon tho.


I think easiest way is to just make new ghoul. Pick any ghoul you want from base game, give it new name, click ok, it asks if you want to make new form, say yes. Then open that new form, give it name you want, go to spelllist. place radscorpion poison there and place that actor in your dungeon. I don't know if radscorpion effect is gonna work like that on ghoul, because I think radscorpion only poisons with it's stinger? Not sure. You could make a new magic effect and spell looking at radscorpion poison as your guide.


If it's just normal ghoul who can use weapons then you propably can just give him legendary with poison effect.

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The problem there, though (I think), is that the ghoul won't level with the player, will it?


Yes, it's a feral ghoul. I would like to have a "hard" difficulty spawner generate a feral ghoul that's an appropriate challenge for any player in the dungeon, though.


I could just make it a level 40 legendary whatever-the-hell and just lock it behind a door so it can be bypassed by weaker players?

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