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Default model while wielding, modified model while dropped.


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I am trying to add a standalone weapon to the game. I created a .esp, created the unique formid, pointed it to the correct .nif that i am using, change the name, etc. I load up the game, the weapon has the correct name, I can add it to my inventory using player.additem, but when i equip the item, it looks like the daedric greatsword, which is the item that i took from skyrim.esm while creating my custon .esp. HOWEVER, when I drop the weapon, the model in the .nif that i pointed to in the .esp is shown on the ground.


so basically, Default model while wielding, modified model while dropped.

What have I missed? this is quite frustrating.

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in my directory i have 1stPersonSword.nif and Sword.nif. and the model works when i use it as a replacement. are these files actually any different besides their name? when i look at other peoples mods in nifskope they are identical
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