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3ds scatters some jitters into my Skyrim animation


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^does the niftools exporter even export curves properly anyway? I remember at one time it didn't ,I don't think it can do some things with curves and complex transforms ...because wouldn't it need be a NiBSplineData? afaik niftools will only export NitranformData, I guess it'll either come out a hard edged, I don't think it will add keys you didn't add.. :unsure:

It was always bad with splines. In 2.49 Blender there was even one bug, that the niftools tried to convert from splines to NiTransforms, but all rotation change were doubled. Most of the time not very obvious. But animations like stagger really looked wierd.


But this is not the problem here.Here the splines are already converted. Most of the time it looks like 90% of the frames get keys. But those non-keyed areas are the problem. I have never seen any problems with the converted animations, but as soon as you change them slightly, these distortions can happen. Like in my breathing idles. I calculate the new rotations, and they never differ more than 6°, but sometimes even 1° is enough. It has to do with the automatic interpolation between keys, and I think, THEY ARE splined. And mostly when they com close to 180° (but not necessarily), there are discontinuities which makes is happen. And amazingly this happens everywhere.


I had this effect in Blender/Oblivion, where I had this distorion in the Blender viewer, and alsoin in the Oblivion engine, although there seemed no reason to do so. But in Blender it was easy. Simply add one frame after the other, until it stopped, or there were no more empty frames. In 3DS you have those ticks underlaying. So in these cases it was just not enough to fill the frames, you had to go in between. Thank god I never had more than one "in-betweens".

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