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Return To Oblivion Quest (wip)


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So I'm planning out a quest that will involve the Atronach Forge and the realm of Oblivion.

The quest will go something like this:

1. The Player learns of a powerful book and that Urag gro-Shub at the College of Winterhold has it hidden within the library.

2. The Player finds what seems to be the book, but turns out to actually be a map.

3. The Player acquires the book from inside the location on the map.

4. The book reveals one could open a temporary Gate to Oblivion by placing 5 ingredients into the offering box at the Atronach Forge.

5. The Player opens the gate, enters, and then more surprise evens occur.

That's basically it, the five ingredients would be something like a daedra heart, a human heart, a black soul gem, fire salts, and dragon's blood (harvested using a tool where the book was found). Of course the sigil stone would be needed too.


Any advice, thoughts, or comments of the like would be appreciated!

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So I'm planning out a quest that will involve the Atronach Forge and the realm of Oblivion.

The quest will go something like this:

1. The Player learns of a powerful book and that Urag gro-Shub at the College of Winterhold has it hidden within the library.

2. The Player finds what seems to be the book, but turns out to actually be a map.

3. The Player acquires the book from inside the location on the map.

4. The book reveals one could open a temporary Gate to Oblivion by placing 5 ingredients into the offering box at the Atronach Forge.

5. The Player opens the gate, enters, and then more surprise evens occur.

That's basically it, the five ingredients would be something like a daedra heart, a human heart, a black soul gem, fire salts, and dragon's blood (harvested using a tool where the book was found). Of course the sigil stone would be needed too.


Any advice, thoughts, or comments of the like would be appreciated!



Not a bad idea, but reusing meshes and textures from the old games (Oblivion) is not allowed, apparently. (bullsh!t if you ask me)


You would have to recreate all parts involved, as in Landspace, Sky, Lava, Flora and Fauna (skamps, all the plants, even the mines and towers)


Also, I wouldn't recommend using the Atronach Forge. Though it makes somewhat sense, editing the atronach forge may result in bugs.


I don't see the point, though. The plane of oblivion was lame back in oblivion (heh), why should it be better now?

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Dude its pretty simple to remake the deadlands in Skyrim.


You just need to retexture the water texture to a lava like look, give it a deplete health effect.


With the black ground in the deadlands, just retexture the snow or ground to compensate.

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Just throwing this out there, ... because we are not allowed to use Oblivion meshes and textures/models...

It would be fine to use a retexturing then?


I don't know if many of the 5 year old mod creators will answer but you have a good amount of quality mods that effected the oblivion realm to work with? Use their textures and models or whatever?

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Actualy I believe that if the oblivion textures an meshes are available in the CK you will be able to use them all you want

You are not allowed to touch a model, or a texture, from Oblivion. It's called porting.


Actually, if you want this done you will need to make it from scratch. Not too hard, but you'd need a certain skillset.

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Actualy I believe that if the oblivion textures an meshes are available in the CK you will be able to use them all you want


Oblivion assets are not available in the Skyrim BSA like a lot of FO3's assets were in New Vegas. Keep in mind that the base for Skyrim was New Vegas, not 3-games-ago TES4: Oblivion.

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