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NPC Spawning & MessageBox problem


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Hi everyone,


I've been working on my first mod and I've run into one incredibly aggravating/perplexing issue and one smaller issue I'm sure is a result of me being inexperienced. I was hoping you guys might be able to help me find an answer to them. I am using the stock v1.5 GECK for Fallout 3. No FOMM, etc.


Problem 1)


I have a setup with a Follower as seen in these two screenshots:


G.E.C.K. View


In Game View


As you can see, in the GECK view (screenshot 1) he is inside an object EncPlayerStasisPod01 that is a simple reference. Nothing special has been done to it. The NPC is a humanoid in Power Armor with Follower functionality. For the past 2 months, he's happily sat in his pod and worked fine. Suddenly, today he decides he wants to spawn behind and to the right of the pod in game (Screenshot 2). He still shows as IN the pod in the GECK. If I move the Pod and my follower together to say, the middle of the room, he will spawn behind the pod. If I move just him, he behaves fine. I had a similar problem before with protectrons and the pods with the opening/closing doors like in the RobCo facility, and the only way I was able to fix it was to delete ALL the pods & protectrons, then re-place them. I obviously would really dislike doing this with my Follower as I would have to go back through all the dialogue topics and fix them by hand. Has anyone seen this before and knows how to fix it?



Problem 2)


At the end of my mod, the player hits a door, which pops up a message box using ShowMessage. After the player closes the message box by clicking OK, I would like to kick them back to the title screen (end of the mod). I have the following block right now as a script on the door:


scn FM01ExitDoorSCRIPT


begin OnActivate

if ( getStage FM01 > 50)


ShowMessage FM01ExitDemoMessage





The problem is this pops the box then immediately kicks the player out to title screen without letting them read. Is there a way to not execute the ExitGame command until the player closes the Message Box?


Thanks so much for your help.

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This might work for the 2nd problem, if you give the messagebox a button to replace the default button with...


Begin OnActivate
if ( getStage FM01 > 50)
	Showmessage FM01ExitDemoMessage
	Set FM01Listen to 1

Begin GameMode
if FM01Listen
	Set FM01Button to GetButtonPressed
	if (FM01Button == 1)
		Set FM01Listen to 0


That way, it should wait for a button push before continuing. It might not need the Set FM01Listen to 0 part but I left that in because it shouldn't make much difference. Oh, and the FM01 prefix I'm guessing is what you're using for this mod, otherwise you can change that to whatever doesn't conflict.


The 1st problem I'm not sure what to suggest, you could maybe try using a setpos or moveto command the first time the player enters the cell, but that would only work if the player can't see the NPC when the command is run.

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glad I could help,

unfortunately, I now seem to have problem 1 and can't use that solution because it's in a place the player is likely to be looking. The odd thing is I haven't changed anything about the NPC, it just moved for no apparent reason and only in the game. Has anyone else encountered this problem?

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