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How do you at new Weapons?


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Ok so lost...


Been searching on google trying to find details but I am clueless here. So how do I open up meshes from Skyrim? How do I access and explore the resources so I can pull them up and editing them in blender? I know how to use blender, in fact I modeled a sword I would like to add to the game. However I would like to add it as a new weapon and not replace one. is that possible?


if someone could please direct me I would appreciate it. I downloaded Nifskope but can't find anything to open in skyrim what am I doing wrong?


here is the sword I want to put into skyrim



Edited by BlazeLeeDragon
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To get the meshes you must extract them from the data/Skyrim - Meshes with a BSA browser like the one from fallout mod manager


ive tried to import skyrim meshes into blender but i keep getting errors. even after following the instructions the tutorial.

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To get the meshes you must extract them from the data/Skyrim - Meshes with a BSA browser like the one from fallout mod manager


ive tried to import skyrim meshes into blender but i keep getting errors. even after following the instructions the tutorial.



did you try this one? http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3790

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My question and confusion is how do I turn it into a mod to add to the game, where it's selectable as a new weapon and not one that replaces anything?
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Use Skyedit or TESsnip and make a new weapon, you can try this metod http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/469935-modding-skyrim-with-tessnip-and-nifskope/ that works fairly well with weapons



I don't get it...I downloaded both, neither will open anything for Skyrim...I've tried the BSA on meshes.bsa in data folder. I've tried TESsnip and Skyedit, nothing is working... is there any tutorials or videos or anything?

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