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So why didn't any prince of persoa fan made the originall dagger of time?


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So, i was wondering why there are 2 mods for the Movie Dagger of time .This an actuall Thing. I mean it Looks cool tho. But i would love if someone would make the Original Dagger of time for the game. It doesn't Need any effects. Just a blank dagger. Without any Magic enchantments or so.âIn my opinion, this dagger Looks a lot more awesome than the one from the Movie. If i only had the Talent to do it myself, i would do it... but my modding skills are as good as my Dogs piano skills. and my dog doesn't know what a piano is. http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/princeofpersia/images/8/86/Dagger_of_Time_TTT.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080224153710&path-prefix=en


Here a link for the dagger. Nexus does not allow me to upload the Picture...

Edited by JazeTV
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