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NPC Inventory Manipulation


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Well, here's the situation.


I'm a level 76 breton who's a bamf at just about everything. In my travels I've managed to accrue a ridiculous number of amazing, powerful artifacts. I've managed to build literal mountains of gold with the fortunes gained from plundering the depths of skyrim. I've even managed to find a woman to call my own, and am happily married.


Tell me then, why exactly is it that my pile of 500,000+ hard earned septims can't get my wife out of those rediculous rags she calls clothes, and into something respectable? Like freakin seriously.


Or why is it that when I tell Mjoll to hang out in town for a few days while I do some less-than-reputable things for the brotherhood, I come back to find her standing around in a suit of worthless iron armor when she has a perfectly good set of super-enchanted ebony plate in her inventory?


And if a courier is diligent enough to track me down 10 miles outside of town just to deliver a letter for me, why can't I tip him with that nifty magic ring I found instead of just pawning it off for fifty bucks in the next town?


I don't see a good reason. Seriously, it shouldn't be such a big deal.



Okay really, aside from my whining, I'd seriously like someone to add a basic interaction with 99% of available npcs. Something that would allow me to trade with them, and once trading was concluded, forced that npc to re-evaluate their inventory and equip accordingly.


Something along the lines of this;


Walk up to beggar. Beggar asks for coin. Instead, I give beggar a hat and some gloves to help him/her keep a little warmer at night. Beggar actually takes the hat and puts it on, because skyrim is a cold f***ing place and they're living outside 99.99999% of the time. I feel warm and fuzzy inside for helping the poor bugger, I move on with my life. Yaaay.


Can it be done? I looked through the nexus a bit and couldn't find anything like that, so either I missed it or it's more trouble than it's worth, or maybe I'm just the only weirdo who wants to be able to personally equip everybody I meet in the game. *shrugs*

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