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Fallout 4 CTD Every 5min to 1hr


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Hello everyone! :smile:

I'm fairly new to Modding, & i was wondering what tools i'd need to find out what causes fallout 4 to Crash to Desktop, i don't know if it's my load order or a mod i'm using in general.
I only use NMM right now & i'm completely lost as to what i should be looking for.

- I know how to Make Profiles
- Clean all my mods / update them
- update NMM
- install Mods Manually
- Generate FNIS for users is also installed

That's about it really... :sad: some times my game crashes after 30 seconds of playing in the game, or while entering a loadscreen
other times it'll play for 2 hours just fine & randomly crash.

I would appreciate if somone could tell me what tools i'd need or point me into the right direction for finding out how to address the problem.

Also! sorry for posting here, i've only ever used the forums a few times before & couldn't figure out how to make a custom post / Topic sorry if this is in the wrong spot.


I can't remember where the folder was in NMM that shows you the log history of what causes your game to crash, i remember getting a promt one time before that asked me if i wanted to make a log of what happend, i always click yes, i just don't know where to locate it at... if somone could point me in the right direction i'd be happy to copy paste it here for you all to view thanks.

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The papyrus logs rarely explain causes of game crashes. Please post your load order from plugins.txt file using spoiler tags. You can browse to your plugins.txt file location by typing the following (minus " marks) into your file manager: “%LocalAppData%/Fallout4”. To use spoiler tags, they are in the dropdown of third button from the left on the top row of post icons. Just paste the list into the little box that pops up.

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